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Question for those who have previewed CMBB

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I was thinking with decreased ability to spot and increased pinning power of MG's that scenarios would have to be longer. My reasoning is that to preserve your force (especially if you are planning multiple actions with them) you would have to do more precise probing or recon which is going to take extra time.

Does anyone else think this will be the case?

Are any of the scenarios that have been designed longer than there CMBO counterparts of the same unit size?

Are people who have planned scenarios in anticpation of CMBB thought about this?

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I did not detect any such tendency, UrbanShocker. The battles developed rapidly with a perfectly nature flow and feel. If anything, running a couple of halfsquads all over creation to find everything before committing to any course of action is going to be less feasible, not more mandatory. Because one unhid MG will have those half squads eating turf in short order.

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