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How do Engineers clear mines?

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Engineers will blunder into minefields like any other unit.

Try having your Engineers move 20-30 metres behind the scouts in suspected minefield terrain. They will then try to detour around the mines 'detected' by the scouts to reach where you ordered them to go and, more often than not (but not always), will throw one of their mine-clearing bombs into the minefield while skirting the contaminated area, thus clearing the minefield for the following troops. I have even seen them hurl their explosives into a minefield with the scouting unit stuck in the middle - without any losses to the scouts!

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Hmmm, that's a good trick to save time Walker, but Engineers are expensive specialised units that you'd in general want to keep a bit further than 20-30m back from the scouts smile.gif

I'd rather take a turn or two to breach properly while establishing covering fire for the Engineers and bringing them from a safe place, than to effectively risk them getting into an ambush.


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