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CM BB: uncensored german (european?) version

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Maybe this is of interest for some of you:

i made a patch for CMBO which replaces the "Waffen-Grenadier" with "Waffen-SS" and also corrects the abbrevations of the leaders (i.e. the german Unteroffizier became "Unt" instead "Ufz" (in memory there's only plce for three characters, not for the real "Uffz" abbrevation) and especially the Waffen-SS abbrevations).

I'll do my best for CM BB, too - and let you know, when the Anti-censor-patch is available for download.

I don't know, if the patch will also work for the other european versions, 'cause it depends strictly on the memory-adresses, where the strings for the units are stored.

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