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Over The Rhne At Oppenheim: playtesters needed!!!

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Here's my latest scenario for the public's enjoyment. Before I release it though, I'd like some feedback. Checkout the axis brief, and if it sounds interesting e-mail me and I'll send it to you. As a side-note, this scenario is designed as a player vs. player engagement. It is not possible for the AI to play the American side.

Patton’s Third Army Crossed the Rhine River on the 23rd of March, 1945. The 5th Infantry Division using assault rafts was the first to cross in the early morning hours. This scenario depicts that crossing.

You’ve just received word of a frantic message from your scout on the west side of the Rhine near Oppenheimen. He claims Patton’s entire Third Army has surrounded him and is preparing to cross the river! Obviously he’s been caught sleeping on the job. The fact that he’ll be dead or captured before daylight is little solace as you knock the sleep out of your eyes and try to gather your thoughts. What resources do I have immediately at my disposal? What do I have in the way of defenses on the east bank of the river? Your heart sinks as the answers come to mind. You only have 5 machine guns covering the entire section of the river. All remaining heavy artillery has been moved north in anticipation of Montgomery’s much telegraphed drive to cross the Rhine there. You’ve assembled your 81mm mortars into a battery, but only have enough ammunition for a few minutes barrage.

You have one battalion of infantry in the area you can rouse together in an effort to meat the threat before the Americans can get a foothold on the east bank. The leadership is of good quality but clearly Germany is scraping the bottom of the manpower barrel. Most of your troops barely know one end of a rifle from another.

You might also be able to call on a couple of StuGs for direct fire support but that’s it. You get on the horn and make the necessary calls. When will the Americans cross? Will my troops assemble in time? The air is thick with the oppressive weight of impending doom as you drive your kubelwagan up to the east bank to have a look at the situation yourself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pbem game is underway!

I have played several turns as the defending Germans.

No spoilers about troops so far.

I had too wait long befor anything happened.

The units given too me initially arent too mobile and suffer from a high command delay.

This gives problems to defend a map as huge as this one,specially since you cant create overlapping fields of fire.

Let you know soon about further progress.

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Originally posted by jhdeerslayer:

I got boats a few turns latter. I suggest having Americans enter much closer to river so you sepend less time moving them to the river and all. So far, a fun and interesting scenario. Many turns to go for me and my old pal Stoffel.

Sorry I hadn't gotten with you all earlier. I've been busy with other things. I changed the boat appearance time and set the likelihood of arrival at 100%. Duly noted on the reinforcement locations, makes for unnecessary logistics. I can't remember, how many turns does it take to get to the river? This scenario is all about timing, and I'll have to adjust their appearance accordingly. Any other feedback on reinforcement timing and location will be much appreciated.
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well the German infantry for example.

their experience level is very low,this means you waist about one turn befor they follow a movement order.

Than when I had them in a good ambush position,few shots were fired and they left the scene crying for their mum.

very irritating

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  • 2 weeks later...

My only real problem with the scenario so far are the Arty and US armor units. The Arty spotters can't see across the river (185m vis limit), so an initial placement nearer the boats would make more sense.

Also, the armor units are worthless aside from transport for the reinforcements. The Greyhounds & scout cars can't give direct fire support across the river- what are they in the scenario for?

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Okay, if have to move one more set of reinforcements clear across the map I'm going to go insane.

You either need to add assault boats all along the river so the Allied player can pick and choose where to send the reinforcements across. If not, have the reinforcements show up in the boats already!

There is no advantage to having to set waypoints for dozens of units just to get them to the assault boats if they always have to attack from the same point.

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