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How could one make this?

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A river in the running through the middle of the map, on one side some scattered American forces who have just arrived at the battle scene, on the other side of the river, holding a line along the river are some quite nasty German troops. Now let's assume that the scenario is a German counter-attack. How could I make a certain part of the German force cross the bridge to attack the Americans while the upper and lower parts of the line would continue to be held by a line of German troops...I thought maybe giving those "garrison" troops small V flags to keep them in their positions and to put one or maybe even two large V flags on the other side of the bridge, thus making a part of the German force cross but not all of them. Possible?

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Originally posted by SS_Obergruppenführer:

A river in the running through the middle of the map, on one side some scattered American forces who have just arrived at the battle scene, on the other side of the river, holding a line along the river are some quite nasty German troops. Now let's assume that the scenario is a German counter-attack. How could I make a certain part of the German force cross the bridge to attack the Americans while the upper and lower parts of the line would continue to be held by a line of German troops...I thought maybe giving those "garrison" troops small V flags to keep them in their positions and to put one or maybe even two large V flags on the other side of the bridge, thus making a part of the German force cross but not all of them. Possible?

Why would you want to script a scenario? Let the player set up and use his forces as he wants. If you want to keep troops from moving, give them a reason.

What possible reason would your Germans have for not wanting to join in the counterattack? Why include them in the scenario if they are not to be used? Doesn't make any sense.

Have US reinforcements enter from the top of the map on the German side of the river, if you want the player to have a reason for fixing part of his force in place. Otherwise, leave the other troops out entirely.

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I was thinking of doing a huge map where the player would play as the US. What I want is for a part of the line to be held by German troops to make it appear as though they're either in reserve, covering the others or simply do not have orders to advance in case the counterattacking troops run into trouble and have to retreat in a hasty manner. The US player would then face fresh AI troops that were hardly touched by the frenzy.

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Play the map through several times yourself and determine the minimum amount of time it takes for you to reach the positions where these fresh Germans would be. Once you have a good feel of this span, set the fresh Axis troops to enter as reinforcements at their intended defensive positions.

A number of factors can help nudge the AI or keep it in place. Fiddling with the friendly sides of the map, clever placement of flags, making troops exhausted at the outset, their experience level and whether you set them to hide in setup... and so on. It may help to make the Germans of relatively high experience level, set them to hide in the editor, and padlock them. This often convinces the AI not to move. Experiment, experiment, experiment.

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