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CMBB Booby traps and AT guns?

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This is a tricky one. I can think of good arguments on both sides of these issues.

As far as guns in building: This was certainly done IRL. However, in practice only certain types of buildings could easily have even a small gun placed inside of them.

Even a 37mm gun will not fit though the door on a typical house. Not all buildings are houses, though. Barns, small storehouses, stables, etc. would all have much larger doors, some of them large enough to push even a medium or large AT gun into. In addition, the location of aperatures in the exterior walls of the building would also limit the lines of the fire for the gun pretty substantially unless a good part of an exteriour wall were knocked down, something that CM doesn't currently model.

For scenarios, you can put a gun into a building right now using the 'place gun first and then place building' technique. I'm not sure if I like the idea of being able to put a gun in any building you please for QBs though, as in practice a commander would not be able to place even a small gun in whatever building he pleased - he would be limited by what buildings could structurally accept a gun, both in terms of ingress/egress and working space inside the building.

The booby trapped building thing seems simpler to me as it could be adequately simulated by just allowing players to place mines inside a building. The only issue I can see here is that troops were usually reluctant to booby trap buildings unless they were actually retreating out of the area entirely - after all, once you booby trap the building, it's no longer useful as a nice dry place to sleep, something both sides acutally valued rather highly.

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Posted by YankeeDog

As far as guns in building: This was certainly done IRL. However, in practice only certain types of buildings could easily have even a small gun placed inside of them.

Wouldn't the vector of recoil, above a certain caliber, be a problem in a confined space? The mcombination of knocked walls, or portions thereof, combined with recoil sounds like a complex model to create but an outstanding idea.

BFC, please fix or somefink

[ August 16, 2002, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: mike the wino ]

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