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Cmmos problem with the Shermans??

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For some reason I can't change the bmps via the cmmos utility for the Sherman tanks. The icons are available for me to select, and I am pretty sure I have all the Sherman cmmos mods installed, yet they only appear in game as the camo variant with the low visibilty markings. It doesn't matter if I reselect a different type or reinstall my mods and rulesets (which I have tried!). It's got me baffled!

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Gordon is out travelling, but I'll take a swing at this until Keith notices it and weighs in.

I have a fully up-to-date version of CMMOS on my computer (though I doubt it would make much difference). I went into US and Free French Vehicles, and I used each of the buttons on the top row in turn. That is a slow process, involving making sure you are not in CM, clicking on the icon, selecting a track option, clicking on the apply button, exiting CMMOS, firing up CM, and going into whatever scenario you are using as a test site. And repeating, over, and over.

All of my sherman textures changed when I used that procedure. There is, by the way, no separate sherman button on my version of CMMOS. You change the shermans by globally changing all the US and Free French vehicles.

The most common reason for a texture not getting applied by CMMOS is that CM was running and never exited before the texture was applied. The second most common reason for something not working is that you clicked on the icon but not the apply button. I do this last one all the time.

Another reason why something might not work is that the rules got wiped out by the conversion to CMMOS 3.02, and that when you installed the ruleset groups you didn't put a checkmark next to some category or other because you thought you already had it. This is unlikely to be the case, because you probably wouldn't have icons for that category.

Whenever something goes wrong, or seems to go wrong, the best bet is to go into GEM Software Productions/CMMOS and look at the CMMOS log. If you scroll down to the end, where you did whatever it was that you did that doesn't seem to be working, the log will tell you something that usually jogs your memory as to why it wasn't working.

Anyway, hope this helps. It if it doesn't, give another shout.

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