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Regarding CMBO and sound during turn calculation

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Well, let's hope that this at least gets read 'cause I couldn't think of a better title.

I don't know how many people have experimented with this, but (at least on a mac) if the sound is on during turn calculation, it takes MUCH longer than if it is off.

Especially in large battles, my sequence of events is turn off sound, hit go, turn sound back on. Now it seems to me that this could easily be an automatic function of the game. I mean, do I really need to hear the engine idle sound for a minute while the turn is generated? And of course, as I mentioned, it makes the turn calculation go faster.

What I'm hoping is that CMBB does this automatically for you. I wish I would have thought of this earlier since I imagine it's too close to done to make such an improvement.

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Dirtweasle, ah, then it isn't mac-specific.

As for the sound states, yeah but what I'm hoping for is that in CMBB the game automatically turns the sounds off while it's calculating the turn and then restores them (to whichever state had been set) when the turn starts.

[ July 25, 2002, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: Cameroon ]

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Another thing is realistic smoke. On my machine, if there is a good bit of smoke the time to crunch a turn slows way way down.

It would be nice to have the sound turned off. I don't mind the delay really as it's a good chance to crack open another beer and light up a smoke.

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Originally posted by Dirtweasle:

Another thing is realistic smoke. On my machine, if there is a good bit of smoke the time to crunch a turn slows way way down.

It would be nice to have the sound turned off. I don't mind the delay really as it's a good chance to crack open another beer and light up a smoke.

Ambient sound taxes the CPU, while graphics calculations/display taxes the vidcard.

Sound card technology is lagging quite a bit behind vidcard; top-of-the-line SoundBlaster cards still rob 5%+ of the CPU's processing power to produce sound, while modern vidcards specifically take nearly all video processing demands off the CPU.


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