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I believe that the latest VIA 4-in-1 Drivers should get you going. You can get them from here (they're buried under the highlight-able 4.33 link in the text). Several sections of this document don't apply to your situation since I don't believe you have built-in audio or video on your VIA chipset.

VIA Drivers:


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After installing the VIA 4-in-1 drivers, go to the Device Manager and remove your video card. You may need to startup in Safe Mode to do this without locking up. If you see more than one display device, remove them all. Then go into the C:\WINDOWS\INF\OTHER directory and delete any .INF files that are related to your video card. The .INF file name may mention NVidia if you used Reference drivers or possibly the card's manufacturer name. Reboot your computer and when it comes time to install the video card go with the default 'Super VGA display adapter' rather than attempting to install the actual drivers. When that is finished install DirectX 8.0a. When that process is finished (and you've rebooted) then install your video driver.

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I have deleted all reference (that I can find) to my TNT2 but when ever I restart the comp it detects it and installs the driver without even asking me. So I can not get to the default SVGA driver to do the rest.

In the process I have accidently removed a PCI video driver and as yet have been unable to find it again on any CD :( :mad:

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What files do you have in your C:\WINDOWS\INF\OTHER directory ? What PCI video driver are you speaking of - do you mean the PCI Bus or a video driver ?

Your Windows installation is finding an INF file to install the video driver for your TNT2 (otherwise it would only recognize it as a 'Standard PCI VGA display adapter'). Somewhere in your C:\WINDOWS\INF directories there is a file that has the info for your display card - and you need to delete this file.

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You're missing the driver for your sound card it seems. Do you have the CD or know what brand and model it is ?

If you've deleted the .INF file for your TNT2 and it still was detected then you have an .INF file in the C:\WINDOWS\INF directory itself (most likely labelled OEMx.INF, that may have been installed in a Windows 95 setup). You will have to look through these files manually find out which one applies to your video card.

If this just becomes unproductive for you then you may just be better off starting an installation from scratch rather than attempting to install over a previous installation. You will have to reinstall all of your Windows programs however since the registry settings and additional files in the Windows directory will no longer exist (though CMBO won't necessarily have to be reinstalled since it doesn't add any necessary registry setting or files to the Windows directory).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well its all better now. Took the machine back to where I got it from (warranty had expired but) and they fixed it up. Offical line was that the AGP drivers where corrupted but I don't really believe them as the new ones did not help either. Any way fixed and now I just have to cram 2 weeks of CM into 3 days. Sleep who needs sleep.

Thanks for all your help Schrullenhaft, very much appreciated even though things did not quite work out.

A happy Corporal Carrot :cool:

[ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Cpl Carrot ]

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