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CMBB Question on houses?

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There are many people who have the opinion that

houses fall and crumble way to quickly in CMBO.They say houses should be a safe haven for defensive positions and holding out, when more times than not they become death traps.My question is to the populous, does everyone feel houses are modeled correctly in CMBO pertaining to coverage,rate of collapse, protection from small arms fire and tanks?If not is this going to be addressed in CMBB?

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I think that light buildings are about right, but heavy buildings could be a little stronger. Other then that, they seem good.

[Edit: Hey whats that smell?]

[ May 14, 2002, 08:11 PM: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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CM sized Buildings did not last when facing HE 75mm or higher.

The difference between CM and the real world is that the sudden end fails to provide encouragement to preserve ammo and preserve cover. Those 5 75mm rounds you put into the house might come in handy tomorrow. And you might want to sleep in the house or use it for your own defense later. But those factors are beyond the scope of a typical CM battle.


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Other problem is that buildings, even when hit repeatedly by HE fire, don't necessarily always catastrophically collapse - sometimes, just one corner collapses, then another, etc.

I suppose this is partially modeled by the variation in casualties when a building collapses.

The other thing that could be improved is that I think the actual number of shots required to collapse a building would be a lot less predictable. Just a couple of 75mm shots in the right spot might collapse a small light building, On the other hand, several shots into the same collapsed corner of the building might do very little damage to the remaining structure - the rubble already created would absorb most of the explosive force and shrapnel.

Right now, you can pretty much predict how many shots it will require to bring a building down if you do a little bit of research. I'd like to see a little more random variation.

Minor sticking points for me. If the current number of shots required to bring down a building right now is looked at as an average, it doesn't seem far off to me.



[ May 15, 2002, 09:15 AM: Message edited by: YankeeDog ]

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