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I have submitted yet another new scenario to CombatHQ. Its big, bloody, and historical. Its the terrible armored engagement near St. Aignan de Cramesnil, between 1st Northants, 1st Black Watch, 24th Polish Lancers and the 12th SS Panzer Division.

Here's the scenario briefing..ENJOY! Let me know if any of you guys play this by PBEM.


August 8th, 1944

South of Caen, near Saint-Aignan de Cramesnil

Weather/Time: CLEAR DAY

Turns 60 (one hour)

Scenario Author: Frank M. Radoslovich (Frankrad@pacbell.net)

In July 1944 three British Armored Divisions had been thrown against the German defences south of Caen. Called "Operation Goodwood", this attack only penetrated about half way up the Bourguesbus Ridge before it was thrown back by deadly long range fire. Four hundred British tanks were lost.

On August 7, the Canadian army sent armoured columns in a bizarre yet clever night march, right through the stunned German defenders. At dawn, these units, which included British elements, were three miles behind German lines. They waited for further Armor units, particularly the Poles, to come up and relieve them and carry the advance forward to Falaise.

The 12th SS Panzer Division had other plans. They also had Michael Wittman.

Research Sources:

Reynolds, Michael. STEEL INFERNO: 1st SS Panzer Corps in Normandy, Dell Publishing, 1997

Simpson, Gary L. TIGER ACE: The Life Story of Panzer Commander Michael Witmann, Schiffer Military History, 1994.

Tout, Ken. A FINE NIGHT FOR TANKS: The Road to Falaise, Sutton Publishing, 1998

Veterans Affairs, Canada.

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Nice one Franko!...I always look forward to your work.

BTW - I can also host this on the COMBAT MISSIONS site if you want. You have already kindly posted your Stoumont and Parker's Crossroads ops/scenarios in the past. I can have it up with 30 minutes.


COMBAT MISSIONS- The Source For CM Ops & Scenarios


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Reporting For Duty Sir!....Wild Bill...I just went AWOL! smile.gif

For the past 2 or so months i've had some real life work to do which hasn't given me much time to maintain to the site. I've finished the project i was working on and now i can devote my energy into something a lot more pleasurable...CM!!.

Good to see you and the guys are still keeping busy. I've just downloaded your latest scenarios and i look forward to playing them.

Happy Wargaming!


COMBAT MISSIONS- The Source For CM Ops & Scenarios


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Guest SS Peiper

Franko I'm up to turn 35 in AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY and I got to tell you what great fun it is. I'm on turn 35 and I still dont know if I'm going to win the battle (I'm playing as the Germans). The Poles are coming up now just when I about clean up the town of some small pockets of Canadians.

GREAT Fun!!!

SS Peiper

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