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New Scenarios + anyone like to playtest?

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I've submitted two new scenarios at CMHQ. They are:

"A War of Blocks" -- conversion of ASL scenario Tac42. It depicts city fighting in Brest between the US 2nd ID and German Heer and Fallschirmjager troops.

"Kall Trail" -- the infamous Kall Trail of the 28th ID's Hurtgen battles is modelled as accurately as I could do it, using topographic maps. The fight itself is slightly imaginary -- a German patrol is bumped up to a full-scale assault -- because no CM-style fight actually occured on the trail.

I also have three scenarios looking for playtesters. They are medium or large scenarios, so they're hard to balance. These scenarios are in pretty good shape, except I'm not sure about the play balance. They are three more Hurtgen scenarios:

"Vossenack" -- US attack kicking of the 28th ID's Hurtgen battles. This one I've actually dialed the US forces back a little to get an even fight.

"Toward Hurtgen" -- to the north of Vossenack, the US attacked toward Hurtgen. This scenario is about one battalion of the three that pushed toward the town of Hurtgen.

"Raffelsbrand" -- towards the end of the 28th ID's stay in the Hurtgen, beat-up US troops attacked towards a strongpoint one more time.

The posted scenarios should be up in a few days. If you can't wait, or if you'd like to check out the in-process scenarios, please e-mail me at cooper131@juno.com . Also I'll be away from my e-mail account between Xmas and New Years.

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