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Minimum spec for graphic card for CMBB ?

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It'll run with an 8Mb video card that does 3D - if you're really lookin' for the absolute minimum spec on a video card.

It's recommended that you get one that has 32Mb or more VRAM to get the textures in their 'full glory'. The recommendations for which particular video card will vary on which platform you're on and how powerful your CPU/System is.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Beavis:

Get a nice Radeon 9700 by ATI. smile.gif

Expensive, but oh boy, lots of good stuff on that card. You'll be safe from any upgrading issues for at least 3 or 4 years, I bet.

Except you won't have fog until maybe the CM engine rewrite with an ATI card.

I would go with an Nvidia card. I guess the Geforce4 Ti4200 gives pretty good bang for the buck. Avoid the MX series.

I'm waiting for prices to drop a bit on the Ti4600. I plan on getting one maybe around Christmas (nice present for myself :D ). Should provide CM:BB with plenty of graphics processing power, even in the very large battles.

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