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Two Campaign Players Wanted

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Two slots for tactical commanders have opened up in my CM Bulge campaign, after we lost a few people over the holiday break. Both are for the US side - the Germans have enough commanders at this point. If anyone is interested and can manage to provide game time for TCP resolution of tactical combats on Sundays, reliably, email me at - jasoncawley@ameritech.net The first two responses will get in. If others respond, I may reserve "alternate" positions for you.

Most probably don't know what this is about, because the thread has become quite old by this point. I am running an operational campaign set in the early days of the Battle of the Bulge, in part of the sector defended by the US 28th Infantry Division, between the Our and Clerf rivers. Operational moves are made on a "CMx10" scale map, via the map editor. When rival units get close enough to each other, a tactical combat ensues, resolved via TCP (that Sunday, or earlier by prompt mutual arrangement between the designated tactical commanders).

Tactical commanders play the sides in these fights. They also advise the overall operational commander on their side about moves to make on the operational map, artillery support designations, and the like. The US side commander is Jarmo, and the German side commander is Leonard Dickens. Operational commanders organize things with their players, field their suggestions, and make the actual orders for moves on the large scale map. They also designate the tactical commanders, and in a scheduling pinch sometimes command one of the tactical forces too. Tactical commander are also responsible for writing up after action reports about their fights, to report what happened to me and the rest of their team.

So far the fight has progressed from the foggy dawn to the early afternoon of the first day, with over a dozen fights along the way. Some of them sizeable, and with significant losses on either side. The Germans have driven between half-way and most of the way (varying here and there) to the Skyline Drive line, along the main ridgeline marking the US position.

We usually manage one operational move per week. The TCP games are played Sunday and the AARs are "due" by Monday. Then the operational commanders solicit feedback before giving their orders. Those are supposed to be in by Wednesday, and I send out the scenario files by Friday. That lets the commanders schedule their actual meeting time, set up beforehand in the case of defenders, and swap TCP numbers.

Of course, sometimes something is late and we miss a deadline, and sometimes holidays or other distractions put us off schedule for a bit. But regardless, the campaign will soldier on. If you sign up, you can expect to get a TCP game every couple of weeks (some moves will have few combats, etc), and to interact with your side commander (by email) weekly.

Note that the TCP games must be finished in one sitting to allow the campaign to flow smoothly. They are time limited to 4 hours real time, but you have to be able to commit to such time blocks on Sundays to fit in. (If occasionally you miss, that is OK, as we have multiple commanders for that. But you need the ability to play then as a rule, to play your share of battles).

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