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Future of CMMOS

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I've just started to use CMMOS and I find it an excellent tool, but I have a few questions. Will future versions inclued scenery, skies, uniforms etc. Will there be a version for sounds? and is there any way to make the preview pics bigger?

Finallly a thanks to the programers and modders who gave their time for this excellent tool.

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Everything you you ask about (scenery, skies, uniforms) except the sounds can be provided independently of a new version of CMMOS (e.g. the Rules and RuleSets just need to be written and the BMPs packaged up). "Field & Stream", which is a comprehensive (to say the least) package of subdued terrain mods and uniforms (both German and Allied) are in progress. I am currently not aware of anyone doing sky Rule/RuleSets for CMMOS, however.

Sound support is a different matter, and I'm currently considering how I might support sound.

The "preview pics" are only Icons and their sizes cannot be changed. If you'd like preview pics, I suggest that you use "CM Mod Manager" to install the mods and CMMOS to apply their options.


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The next question is going to be CMMOS, CMBB, and the mac. I think I read mac CMBB art is going to be a LOT easier to get to.

I hope mac sounds and pc sounds will finally be compatible in CMBB (and wouldn't a cross-platform souns CMMOS be nice?), I'm still playing with the old original sounds from CMBO's initial version 1.

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The German Uniforms RuleSet and mod compilation is currently being reworked (remember that little scandal we had awhile back?) :rolleyes:

Anyway, hope to have it re-issued soon.

In general, the terrain mods are slower in coming due to their sheer magnitude. But don't worry, they're on the way.

Also, there will be a CMMOS for CMBB, one way or the other.


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