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Top o' the Line User Operations?

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Are there any recommendations for really good user-made Operations I could download, which are NOT city based. I like just about anything as long as it's playable against AI, and takes place in some sort of largish outdoor location (medium maps or better).

Thanks in advance.

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Well, there's a *scenario* named "Storm 5-5-5" that is 90 turns in duration. That's more than a lot of operations include. Somewhere the designer stated that he had increased the number of turns to 120 (indicating a previous version), but the version that I played had only 90. It could use the extra 30 turns.

Sorry, I couldn't come up with an operation for you, but thought I'd mention it as it's a pretty fun scenario with lots of units (but not to the point of being unmanagable), huge rural map, that you can sit down and play in about 6-8 hours.

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