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New Battles from a new designer. Need Opinions and Testing.

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Hello there. I have been designing some scenarios, most for myself for the last couple of months, now I want to get opinions on them and hopefully release them if they are any good. Anyone interested in trying these out e-mail me at intruder@midwest.net or ICQ me at 8180414. Here are a few of the scenarios I am currently tweaking.


This is a standard sie map. Americans attacking a German held town. Dawn battle. November '44, Damp. Best played as Allies when played vs. AI.


This is a recreation of Valley of Trouble that was included in a CM demo. I found a few pics and improvised what I coulnd't find. Best played as Allies. American attack against German defensive line. March'45, day, clear, dry. Standard size map.


The famous British raid on the Merville Bsttery. Researched with maps, recon data, personal accounts from veterans from various sites. Best playes as Brits. Very tough fight. Medium size map


A pristine village lies ahead of an American advance. Is the village friend or foe. It is know that the Germans have been pulling back through here. Will this beutiful country side turn into a battlefield or will the villagers welcome you wil flowers and wine? Standard size map.

I will be posting more shortly. I recommend using default setup but you can place units if you wish. Please let me know if you want them and I will send them. Thanks for the help.

I have not posted the pics I have, because I cannot link them through geocities or Tripod. If anyone knows of an esay, free hosting site that allows remote access, let me know please. For now here is a link to the page where I do have the Pics posted. Take a look and let me know if you want to try them.

Combat Mission Pics

[ 07-19-2001: Message edited by: Clinton ]

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Played your first scenario,Melville as Brits.

I had to surender after 20 turns because by than most of my man were dead.

All went well untill I reached the first barbed wire fence.

It took me a complete platoon to kill the 20mm gun.

Most of my man were slaughtered trying to penetrate or bypass the barbed wire

The mines also took their toll.

Would have been a great help if the paras had their mortars,smoke could have been very usefull


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Yea, that one is extremely tough. Too bad every bit of theri support, engineers, morters,ect... were lost in the glider drops. The only support was from a lone Vickers. That will be explained in the breifing text. Heres a tip, in the rel battle, the Brits sent a small group to the front gate to act as a diversion and harrasment while the main body poured through.

[ 07-20-2001: Message edited by: Clinton ]

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