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New Mod preview--in honor of Tom's BoB terrain mod! (Achtung! Big pix inside!)

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so leave me alone so I can finish it! :D
Oh sure, someone on this forum to be left alone and in peace and harmony. All Kitty did was stop in and say Hi, turned into a stampede. :D You done showed the goodies, ain't no hope for solitude now.

[ March 03, 2002, 07:30 AM: Message edited by: Bruno Weiss ]

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It's DONE!!! :eek:

I decided to scrap the idea of doing multiple camo schemes as I was just not happy with the way they were turning out. However, a certain Mr. Gordon Molek, of this very forum, has inquired about the possibility of rendering this mod in "hasty" camo getup, so perhaps I could talk him into taking a crack at giving it the Groovy Gordon Ambush Treatmentâ„¢ as well. I don't have any pictures because I'm at work, but I'll send it to the usual suspects this evening when I get home.

The set consists of mods for the Wespe, Marder III, and PaK40 antitank gun in both standard dunkelgelb and whitewashed winter paint jobs. The whitewashed versions look really cool with Tom's BoB mod, as screenshots (that I'll post tonight) will attest.

I did manage to do a decent tricolor PaK40, so I will release that as an option.


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Originally posted by AndrewTF:

It's DONE!!! :eek:

I decided to scrap the idea of doing multiple camo schemes as I was just not happy with the way they were turning out. However, a certain Mr. Gordon Molek, of this very forum, has inquired about the possibility of rendering this mod in "hasty" camo getup, so perhaps I could talk him into taking a crack at giving it the Groovy Gordon Ambush Treatmentâ„¢ as well. I don't have any pictures because I'm at work, but I'll send it to the usual suspects this evening when I get home.

I would be honored, sir.


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No sir, the honor is mine. smile.gif

I just have not been happy with the camo patterns I was making, and your adaptations look so cool, so why torture myself. I'm also at the stage where I've been working on this mod for so long I'm getting sick of looking at it. Time for release!

Actually, it will be done some time tomorrow. Just a few little details left...

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