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Recon Tactics

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Hello everybody!

I am interested to learn some real IIWW recon tactics used in the eastern front to try them in CMBB. For example, I read that german armored recon units ussualy were very agresive in their missions. When they needed to explore a forest, the command vehicle (of a unit of 3 or 4 armored cars) advanced quikly to the tree line and them stop for a while to observe, after that the car reverse its movement atracting the enemy fire at it and so showing their placement. I tryed that in the game and had success whithout losses (just crews paniked). It suposed to work well whith reverse driver ACs.

Please comment other ones.

--------------------------------------------------By the way, I have read many critics in the forum about some CMBB engine features. Well, there is nothing perfect, but to those who had beeing playing CM since its begining in 2000, I will never forget the great shock and emotion that this superb game caused to me. For that ¡THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH CM TEAM!, veteran wargamers worldwide knows that this game was build from the gamers dreams.

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Welcome to the forum Blackbear. One thing about those tactics, they may cause some pain for you if there are groups with panzerschrecks, panzerfausts if Germans, or Molotov cocktails etc. not to mention grenades and close assault..

Of course if enemy is hidden with a covered arc to prevent firing you maynot see anything at all.

perhaps a variation of stopping no closer than 50m's, beyond 150m would probably be better and using the Mg's to fire suppression might cause them to respond and show themselves

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Against a human opponent in CM this stuff usually doesn't work, they will either not show up or wax your AC with no useful result for you.

The major reason here is that there is an important difference between the realistic recon work and when it is done in CM: in reality this behaviour would not such much serve to locate exactly positions of enemies. It is rather done to ddetect whether there are actually any enemies there.

In a CM battle you can usually assume that there are some enemies hanging out somewhere. In reality these recon units would search many CM size battlefields without finding anybody.

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