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We just ordered our game yesterday...

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Someone should tell you this ;)

When you recieve the game the CD is indside the manual, or something of the like ;)

It's been that long i can't remember exactly where it is but i remember freaking out because i thought they had forgot the CD ;)

It's there! So don't go folding the manual in half with frustration because you think they forgot it ;)


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Originally posted by Priest:


Where is my email so we can play tonight?

I hear tracked thunder do you?????

(Gee I wonder if it will be Hetzer thunder eh Stixx, or ricket thunder????? YOU CAN NEVER TELL!!!!!!)

I haven't got it!!! Send me the bloody thing!

BTW start up ICQ slacker!

And jam those rockets up your Hetzers tail pipe too BTW!

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Well I sent it to you! AAAAAASGH!!!!!!!!!

I am at work still for another 2 and a half hours (still friday here my man!)

I will have Mary send the file when she gets home out of my account. Email me so we can figure out what time (in both of our timezones) we can play and stop hijacking this thread (see how addictive it is 007!). I will stay up late as always.

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Wow, does this bring back nightmares. Hundreds of us, waiting by the mail box. Refreash monkeys all. Then the word:

I GOT IT! Started to be yelled. Slowly at first, how we hated them. Then, the moment that would change the way you view tactical combat simulations forever.

You will open up the manual and see names, Moylan, Grammont, Wild Bill, and many others. Remember them, for they have changed your computer life, and your expectations, forever.

At the very end of those credits you will see a special thanks. You have found it. Most of the men on this forum are very good players, Stixx can kill a pillbox better then anybody I have ever known. But, they also are quick to help you if you need it.

Good hunting and welcome.


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Originally posted by Priest:

Stix you can kill pillboxes?????

Damn thank god i use mobile forces eh!

LOL... I'm bringin along my uber smileys!

The vehicle crews new and improved .45's 2gunsfiring_v1.gif

The 50.cal from the hip! AR15firing.gif

The new and improved Dragon AT weapon BoomSmilie_anim.gif

Of course the uber smiley tank tank.gif

and if you try to use your wizardry armor tactics on me this time then this will be the fate of you!


Stix biglaugha.gif

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