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So, Who Want's to Playtest my First CMBB Scenario?

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From the Situation Briefing:

Title: the Greyhounds Dash to Glory

Type: German Attack

Date: 15 January 1943

Location: Village of Sporonyy, on the Manych River, SE of Rostov

Region: South

Weather: Snow, Cold

Terrain: Steppe, Light Snow

Wind: Breeze from NE

Length: 25+

Author: Blane "von Lucke" Rexford (blane2@flash.net)

Background: 6th Army has been encircled at Stalingrad, and Operation Little Saturn is well under way. West of Stalingrad, the Southwestern and Southern Fronts, spearheaded by 2nd Guards Army, continue to press Army Group Don back toward Rostov in the hope of destroying that army group and cutting off Army Group A, now attempting a withdrawl from the Caucasus region. General von Manstein must hold Rostov, the key to all the railroad lines and supplies for Army Group A.

To this end, von Manstein has directed the 16th Motorized Infantry Division (recently nicknamed the "Greyhounds" for their ability to move rapidly from one crisis point to the next), to disengage from the fighting south of Stalingrad and spearhead a penetration deep into the right flank of the over-extended 2nd Guards Army. To insure that this important task will be accomplished, elements of the newly created Heavy Tank Battalion 503 have been attached to the division.

Aftermath: Spearheaded by the Tigers of sPzAbt 503, the Greyhounds drove straight through the Soviet lines to the high ground near Sporonyy, a suburb some 30km SE of Rostov. They then turned and assaulted the village. After a sharp fight, the bridge across the Manych was secured for further operations against the Soviet flank. The German success at Sporonyy (and later, at Samodurovka), seriously hampered the Soviet attack on Rostov, and led to the successful withdrawl of Army Group A from it's rapidly closing encirclement.

Semi-Historical: 2300pts

Reference: Jeffry Shields for his ASL scenario "Tebbe's Tigers".

"Scorched Earth" by P. Carell

"When Titans Clashed" by Glantz & House

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