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Gamespy interview with BTS about CMBB

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Quote from the interview.

“And, due to our meticulous historical research, who knows if CMBB doesn't actually manage to answer quite a few questions and get rid of many "unknowns" about the battles in the East.”

This is exactly how I look at CMBO and why the prospect of CMBB excites me so much. When I first down loaded and played the demo to CMBO I realized it was more than a computer game, it was a historically accurate simulation. I think of it as military history. As many have said before, CM attracts the hard-core military history fans, like me, “and” the computer game fans. With the use of CMBB I expect to be able to accurately model engagements I have read about. This is where the fun comes from, for me.

And, of course, it also looks great. From what I have seen it will be a challenge for all those modders to improve on it, but you can be sure someone will!

All the best,


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