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CM-UTDB : Unit Research - Wespe & M8 Greyhound

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Here goes nothing! smile.gif

As some of you may already be aware from messages posted on the main forum....i am attempting to put together a web-based dossier, hosted on the COMBAT MISSIONS site, detailing the strength's and weaknesses of all the units found in CMBO. From this, hopefully, we can ALL learn something from each other about the tactical in's & outs of using them to the best, or worst! frown.gif of their capabilities within the game.

I intend to try and gather as much info as possible for each unit and hopefully, in time, it will become a valuable reference, whether your a newbie, or more experienced, CM player.

Let's start with the :-

Wespe Self-propelled Artillery Gun

M8 Greyhound

How do YOU use these in CM?. What are their strength's/weaknesses. In your experience, are they worth 'buying'?. If not, WHY!?. Do you have any anecdotes (good or bad) from the CM battlefield with these units that you would like to share with others?.

Please either respond directly to this post here or visit the site below and check out the Unit Profile section....here you will be able to e-mail stuff anytime you like.



COMBAT MISSIONS - CM News, Supplies & Resources


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I have rarely used the wespe because I think it is too vulnerable for the price but I have had some success using the greyhound. I think it is excellent in the scout role and with it's 37mm gun and two machine guns it packs a lot more of a punch than a half track. I use them a lot and I think it does a good job skulking around the battlefield initially and harassing infantry or other soft targets.


There was a long silence of rememberance for the dead, to which I added these names:

Ernst Neubach, Lensen, Wiener, Wesreidau, Prinz, Solma, Hoth, Olensheim, Sperlovski, Smellens, Dunde, Kellerman, Freivitch, Ballers, Frosch, Woortenbeck, Siemenlies...

I refuse to add Paula to that list, and I shall never forget the names of Hals, or Lindberg, or Pferham, or Wollers. Their memory lves within me.

There is another man, whom I must forget. He was called Guy Sajer.

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I've used Wespe and I believe that best use for it is in defence, in well covered position with narrow LOS. In one of my recent battles such Wespe took out 2 Shermies II and a Humber Scout Car.

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Guest Germanboy

In theory (meaning I rarely if ever buy one, but have to use them in canned scenarios), a Wespe should be good in defense if placed in an ambush position, protecting you against flanking maneuvers by OPFOR armour. TO achieve this it has to stay hidden and be in a place with narroy LOS. Since it is open-topped, it has to move once spotted, b/c of mortars. So you also want a position with covered approach. That is hard to achieve on a QB map.

On the offense, you can only bring it out when all the OPFOR armour is gone, and you are pretty sure there are no .50 HMG teams rambling about. If that is the case, it is a good infantry support weapon, use it to blast the enemy out of good positions.

If given the choice, for both roles I would rather spend 25 points more and go for a StuH42. The Wespe was never intended to do this, and to use it in that role is bordering on abusing it.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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I recently used a Greyhound to take out a Panther, but I think that might be the exception rather than the rule. smile.gif

I do find it to be a great scout and infantry support weapon, as others have mentioned. I like having a pair of them, actually.

<Spoiler> For those who are curious, it was in the Le Lebroy scenario that comes with CM. The Greyhound swept along one flank and popped out of the bocage about 50 meters behind the Panther. 3 shots to the turret: 1 penetrated but did no damage, 1 ricocheted, and the final one penetrated for the kill.

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I have been using M8's more and more lately trying to find their strong points. As mentioned above the M8 performs well against an array of targets and are a personal choice of mine.

My mystery is its weakness against mortar and arty rounds. In a recent quick battle, which I played several times trying different tactics/direction, my M8's would always be destroyed by mortar fire.

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