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Tips on hiding.

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I am having problems avoiding enemy sight. My best way of hiding is spreading out troops in forests or houses, then setting an ambush marker. It works pretty well but if the enemy gets some troops in (e.g. Heavy Smg Squads or Volstgrenadiers) i get spotted and then usually get wiped out with tanks. I anybody has a better way of hiding please ingorm me.

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Well BFT, the best place to hide is in forests, someway in the middle of them. If hide too close to the end of the forest, enemy tanks and MG's will be able to fire you up once they find you. But if you hide about 10 metres into the forest, in most cases you will not be spotted until the enemy walks into your men. Spreading men out is not a good idea to hide, if you plan on ambushing your enemy. Hide a platton close to one another, so that if an enemy stumbles upon one squad, the other two can reach the enemy. Such ambushes are very hard to budge, since you will be hidden from sight and will have the element of surprise and concentration of firepower.


"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:

Well BFT, the best place to hide is in forests, someway in the middle of them. If hide too close to the end of the forest, enemy tanks and MG's will be able to fire you up once they find you. But if you hide about 10 metres into the forest, in most cases you will not be spotted until the enemy walks into your men. Spreading men out is not a good idea to hide, if you plan on ambushing your enemy. Hide a platton close to one another, so that if an enemy stumbles upon one squad, the other two can reach the enemy. Such ambushes are very hard to budge, since you will be hidden from sight and will have the element of surprise and concentration of firepower.


Yeah, but if your men are bunched up in a forest and heavy artillery starts to drop, kiss your platoon goodbye... mad.gif


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Using the "Hide" command is better than "Ambush" in this respect.

It will function like an ambush, but with a closer range.

Once spotted you can bet the enemy will shoot at your troops with anything available, including tanks.

One tactic I found useful when playing German in "Chance Encounter" was to concentrate my troops in the woods around the big flag in such a manner that they didn't have LOS out of the woods towards the enemy. This way the enemy tanks weren't a threat, and any enemy infantry that dared enter the woods were expediently gunned down by MGs and infantry...

Hope this helps.


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What I've found effective for ambushes is to as said above and place a platoon close together deep in heavy woods, but what I do in addition to avoid the unpleasant artillery situation, is to place my ambush platoons in places where they have

1. Good cover, such as the deep woods approach since when you are in deep woods its hard for the enemy armor to get to you and their infantry doesnt see you till too late, with this approach I've wiped out up to 2 platoons in one turn with just one platoon useing this kind of ambush.

2. I place them where they can move to an alternate position with a minimal amount of exposure that is atleast 100m away from the original position so as to avoid the brunt of enemy artillery.

3. Have another platoon(s) in overwatch of the ambush platoon, you might be able to pull off a second ambush with your overwatch platoon(s) if the enemy tries to flank your main ambushing platoon.

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Well I'm trying the new tactics, and now i admit it hiding is better than ambushing. In the leve Chance Ecounter I hid one of my stugs behind the church and my other two stugs in the scattered trees near the begining, and the stug behind the church took out all of the shermans including the sherman+ and I slowly moved my army up, eliminating and capturing many. So thanks for your tactics, I really needed them.

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Well I'm trying the new tactics, and now i admit it hiding is better than ambushing. In the leve Chance Ecounter I hid one of my stugs behind the church and my other two stugs in the scattered trees near the begining, and the stug behind the church took out all of the shermans including the sherman+ and I slowly moved my army up, eliminating and capturing many. So thanks for your tactics, I really needed them.

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WRT infantry ambushes in woods, I try to set up a forward ambush position with one or more fallback ambushes. What you do is spring your 1st ambush, then run like hell for the second the next turn, before your opponent can bring a lot of fire on you. If you're playing against the AI, it will usually assault the area you just vacated, giving you opportunity to ambush the troops attacking your old ambush position! Keeping them at least 50m apart will keep most of the arty at bay.

Another tactic is to ambush, stay in position until you see an attack on these positions forming, then call arty in on yourself. Run. If timed right, the arty will start falling just as the enemy is in the open charging into your old positions.

PS. Smoke helps a lot to cover your tracks as you run. Pop it in front of the ambush before abandoning the positions.


Canada: Where men were men, unless they were horses.

-Dudley Do-right

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IntelWeenie:

Another tactic is to ambush, stay in position until you see an attack on these positions forming, then call arty in on yourself. Run. If timed right, the arty will start falling just as the enemy is in the open charging into your old positions.


This tactic always works very well for me.





Very first time I ever used it was in First clash at Cambes scenario. Ran a company size force into the woods, I got into a pretty major firefight when I realized (very early on) the attacking force had to be the opponents majority of troops (turned out it was all his infantry). I was in danger of being flanked or artyed to death so I called down (150mm) arty on myself, waited a couple turns and then ran like the dickens for the town.

After that I waited in the town as the arty did it's work.

And waited..

And waited..

I began to think I misjudged the attack and the attackers were going to come from another direction. Slowly a trickle of enemy soldiers appeared from the original direction maybe 2 platoons total, easily handled by my IG's and MG42's. Then the scenario ended with the British surrendering, and I got to take a look at the damage the arty had caused.. Clearly the arty had hit them right as they were running through the positions and completely decimated everyone and everything. Many squads completely obliterated, even more just shocked and routed. I must say I was quite happy with it's effect.

Arty + ambush positions = deadly

My ambush tips are pretty much the same as everyone elses:

1) Scattered trees and edges of tall pines and/or woods are not places to hide or ambush. Stay in the middle of towns or forests so you can't be engaged by direct fire from long ranges. Of course reverse slopes are great for this as well.

2) Know when to say when, sticking around after an ambush is sprung is just asking to be flanked or arty'd to death. Unless the enemy is foolishly attacking from the same direction over and over, get the heck out of there.

3) Smoke is your friend, cover your withdrawl or drop it behind the people that are walking into the trap to cover your forces from direct fire.

4) Put a TRP or have some mortars watching the place you just exited, it's a good bet your enemy will come through there and you can do even more damage.


Veni, vidi, panzerschrecki

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