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When it rains artillery shells?

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When your enemy starts bringing artilley onto your infantry positions, is it better to leave them where they are(and wait it out) or should you run out of the target area. I usually leave them where they are, and hope and squad or two will not be routed to try and stop the infantry attack that follows the artillery strike.

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As with most things...it depends!

If you're dug in and hapy with their current position, or if yiou're pretty sure he's firing "on spec" then probably stay there. Also if you can only run into a worse situatino (like into the fire of some tanks) then stay there.

If not then run at least 40m sideways to get out of the dispersion pattern ASAP.

Oh - if it's heavy artillery then you shuold get out of any buildings - especially 2 -storied ones, ASAP!

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if it's just a little light mortar rain your troops will survive it for several turns with just a few casualty. The 120 mortarts and heavy arty will toast a platoon in the woods in a few turns.

I've tried both hiding and running at differnet times, and my verdict is that arty above 81mm is deadly. If you get caught and can't move your troops out, they'll get wasted. Having said that if your *POSITIVE* they are hidden, and the arty is not aimed, you might be better off staying put.

It a nasty situation either way.

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Sometimes Yes, Sometimes no.

If your men are in foxholes and the incoming is 81mm, then just stay there. You'll take some casualties and some suppression but you should overcome it. Veterans shrug it off pretty well, regulars are a little more shakey.

If you watch your replays closely you can recognize the "Spotting" shells that usually fall about 20-30 seconds before a barrage starts. Usaully the command delays don't give your men enough time to run away from an incomming barrage but there is an option: The WITHDRAW command. This will get your men moving immediately but only towards the rear.

If you're attacking and big artillery is going to come down on you soon, I'd use the withdraw command or normal run command if possible. Let your Enemy waste a turn's worth of artillery and then resume your attack again. Sometimes you can play cat and mouse with your men.

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thanks fellas for a little insight and advice. The few tcp/ip games i have played it seems that my infantry take a high amount of artillery casualities. It always seems to break up an attack from the jump off position or a defensive flank.

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If you are advancing, run toward closest cover. If sitting tight, thank your lucky stars you remembered not to bunch up. I try to target my arty at choke points or right after I've pinned a few squads with some mg or long range rifle fire. Good luck!

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