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Death from Above in CMBB

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Will strike squadrons of aircraft be modeled in CMBB? I understand that JU-87's/Me-110's prefered to attack in numbers. As obviously the IL-2 did being most produced aircraft ever.

In CMBO i notice only one plane circles above(wich seems to work fine by the way), in CMBB will there be more war birds to shoot flak at?

[ July 09, 2002, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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In CM you are buying a single figher-bomber. Try buying 4 or 8 at a time. A certain battle or two I have created feture squadron strength airstrikes. They can be very devastating.


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Now that sounds like a great idea.

On the scenario note, do you know of any realy good scenarios to play vs. a human player? I'm sure there are a ton, but i've never downloaded anyone scenarios. I've seen plenty to choose from, but was wondering what your favorites might be?

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I am currently reading the chapter in Closing With the Enemy that deals with close air support. In it, the author makes the claim that in Normandy the P-47s attacked in strength. What he says is:

The normal CAS mission involved a squadron of twelve P-47s. All were armed for strafing missions, and eight of the aircraft carried 500-pound bombs. During the ground attacks, the bomb-carrying aircraft engaged targets while the other P-47s watched for German fighters or attacked enemy positions firing on bombing aircraft.
Wasn't there some talk about planes in CM:BB being purchased in groups?


[ July 09, 2002, 05:07 PM: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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I, and the CMing public, has highly reccomended my Too Little, Too Late, avaliable at the scenario depot (first link in my sig). Just about everything in the second link is first rate, head to head stuff.

Best thing to do is go to the Depot and look for battles highly rated for PBEM and balance.


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How many planes you will see in CMBB totally depends on how many the scenario designer puts in and/or how many you purchase. The big difference to CMBO is that aircraft are not "generic", like in CMBO, but actually reflect a number of various types, including specific weapons and bomb loadouts (and shooting down the armored IL-2 is going to be difficult with AA-MGs smile.gif )


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Hey, any word on whether scenario designer can make it 100% certain that a Jabo will show up? I can understand the logic behind the "sometimes they don't show up at all" for QBs, but for scenario designers it would be nice if you can make their arrival a surity.



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Beautiful. Thanks for the quick response.

Judging by the rate that answers to silly questions are popping up on this forum, one would think that BFC is pretty close to finishing up this monster and getting it out there for us to tear up. . . :D



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