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Totally Random QB AAR


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So here's a little AAR from a really sweet quick battle last night. Unfortunately I have no pics from it, but perhaps I can describe it well enough so some of you can enjoy it as much as I did. To start, I chose pretty much everything I could as random. I think the only thing that wasn't set to random was ammo, which I don't believe was an option. Points were set at 1250.

Well the map loaded up and I found myself looking at one nice looking playing field. It was to be an Allied attack in February of 1943 with myself as the Germans, defending a small town in a slightly hilly area spotted with pine forests. It was a very, very cold day in the northern region of Russia. There was no snow on the ground or falling, but there was a light layer of fog over the entire area and there were a few ponds in the area that were frozen over. There was just enough fog to make the whole setting just a little spooky to say the least. Visibility was still pretty good, though, as most of my units could see about 200-300 meters. So I had a little village to defend that had an interesting pile of rubble placed in the middle of it. Not too many houses, none large or two stories and only a few heavy buildings. The forces the computer allotted me were pretty cool. It was a Battalion, but had obviously taken some large casualties prior to battle (I had set that to random as well-wish there was a way to see what was chosen for you). The battalion was about at half strength, with many platoons down to two squads, and even more casualties within the squads. Strange thing about it, there was an extraneous amount of platoon and company HQ. There must have been some seriously cowardly commanders the last battle, as all the HQ survived, but the troops were gone, LOL! I did get two Panzer III's, several Infantry guns, and two 50mm Anti-tank guns. Also, it gave me an interesting mix of Puppchen and 105mm recoilless rifles. This was going to be an interesting defense, to say the least.

Looking at my commanders, a Hpt. Heck really stood out. He was a company HQ with +2 in all categories. I used him to base a central defense of the small town, placing the Puppchen and 105s in the rubble in the middle, and my multiple HMG around the houses in the area. I placed my two Panzer IIIs on the rear left flank, with a nice overlook to the eastern approach of the town and placed the infantry guns to the rear of the village. My right flank was a little weaker, but the majority of the VLs were on the left, anyhow. I kept a platoon and an antitank gun to protect any wayward forces that may come from my right. I also received a 80mm mortar spotter and a few halftracks. I found the only hill in the town area and stuck my arty spotter on it in a quaint little house with a view. Halftracks were kept to the rear to avoid getting knocked out. My extraneous HQs were used as scouts on the outer edges of the village, with the Battalion HQ and some sectional HQs to the rear to rally any panicked troops. I only had a tank minefield to lie down, and then I could start the fight. I actually took a while trying to figure out where to put it and in the end, placed it on one of the two roads coming into the town, between two houses. No particular reason, it just seemed like a nice place. I'm glad I trust my instincts! :D

And so it starts.

Turns 1-5 were just spent in anxious anticipation as the fog floated over the area, hiding and muffling the enemy forces I knew were heading this way. Strange knocking noises and other quirky little sounds drove me almost mad as no units were spotted in the first four rounds. Finally in turn 5, I spotted a sound contact of armor rolling in from the road I placed my tank mines on! The next two turns it slowly advanced and I began to see some infantry markers appear from the north and east. The tank came rolling down the road, and finally someone was able to identify it. To my surprise it was one of my own tanks! A captured Panzer III! How dare these fools use my own tanks against me! We will show them, that's for sure. It continued to rumble down the road, and then it approached the mined area I heard a loud THUMP and the tank buttoned up. Playing extreme FOW, I couldn't tell if I had done serious damage to it, or just immobilized it. I found out next turn as the little guy inside popped the turret hatch and bailed out!

*Pats himself on the back for well placed minefield*

Well shortly after, another "Tank?" is spotted coming from the same direction, but this guy goes around the buildings and road where my mines are. Luckily enough my Puppchen sees him and takes a shot at him, causing him to panic and reverse back on the road and run directly smack into the minefield! Two AFVs down from a minefield I didn't even think would come into play!

Well after the next few rounds, the infantry symbols I have been seeing become reality as I catch glimpses here and there through the frozen pine trees of units advancing. Frustratingly they seem to disappear as quickly as they appear. I have set most of my front line to cover arc out to about 40 meters, so they could achieve a maximum kill zone. I also started calling down some 80mm mortar fire to suppress the little buggers in a few rounds. Well it all starts getting crazy after that. Infantry start appearing through the trees. At first I'm thinking wow, there's a lot of them-but that's ok I'm set up pretty well for defending against this route of advancement. First my HMG start opening up, followed by my 75mm infantry guns, and then my many half-strength squads. I can just hear them yelling, "This is for Hans you Russian bastard!" The mortar rounds start falling as the infantry start to get really thick. They start scrambling like ants with the foot of god coming down on them. HAHA I think this is going to be easy!

Well I was wrong. From a small opening in the frozen pines, I spot an assault gun coming out. My 50mm ATG opens up, spotting him nicely. Unfortunately he misses, and the Assault gun's first shot takes him out. Then more infantry start pouring through the gap. My guys are scrambling to keep up with multiple targets. Each guy selected shows at least 4-5 possible targets. And my Mortar FO runs out of rounds. Oh boy. Time for my two Panzer III's to make an appearance. I move them forward from their places of concealment and they start bombarding the excessive amount of Russian Home Guards barreling out of the pine forest. Thank god this puts a stop to that leak before it turned into a gushing of over-running infantry. But I've got more problems. From the west, several more assault guns are coming. They start to flank out, but my other 50mm ATG sees them and waits for the perfect shot (cover arcs are sooooo sweet.) BAM! One down. The other one is backing up, and lets a shot loose. Damn! My ATG is taken out. Now my right flank is considerably weaker.

I can't believe my eyes as MORE infantry start pouring through. And I know it's not the ones I've been shooting at, because those guys have to still be suppressed to all hell. My guys are seriously running low on ammo now, and I have to maneuver my only two tanks around the back of the village and to the right to take on those assault guns. This one is going down to the wire. Only 5 turns left, but they are seriously threatening to overrun me with sheer numbers. My two Panzer III's are almost around to the other side of the village, when the next turn is set to go and I'm getting ready for some serious duking it out with those assault guns.

WHAT THE!?!?!? Game over. The fight has drawn to a close. I had variable rounds on and it ended on me two turns early!! Well, I suppose I shouldn't be too upset, I did come away with a major victory. I had all the VL as well as a really nice kill to death ratio.

I saved that map to play on again too, it was sweet. What another GREAT feature the devs put in. I love this game, it absolutely rocks. Now I just have to figure out how to balance work, getting married next month, being a father in about 8 months, and playing CMBB! Joy! :D

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Great AAR, gave me the "you are there feeling" even w/o screenies. But the ending early factor was not based on the "Variable" turn factor. That can only extend the time, not decrease it. What you probably saw was the "Force Readiness" factor in play. Page 44(US) gives the parameters.

Basically, when your "global" ammo gets "low"(not really defined) it is the same as offering a Ceasefire. Then if the opponent either is a)also low on ammo; B) global morale low or c) just plain also offers ceasefire, the game will end early.

That is my interpretation of the passage.

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Originally posted by tabpub:

Basically, when your "global" ammo gets "low"(not really defined) it is the same as offering a Ceasefire. Then if the opponent either is a)also low on ammo; B) global morale low or c) just plain also offers ceasefire, the game will end early.

That is my interpretation of the passage.

AH- that does make more sense considering that most of my guys were low on ammo! smile.gif
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