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Choice of topic of new scenario

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I had played CM for two years, but never designed scenerio to share with others. I have collected some information to design a semi-historical missions:

(1) Early July, west of Caen. Fighting back of German 503 Heavy Tank Battalion. Confrontation of Tigers and Shermans, information is adequate, but the game is not balanced (Tigers quickly wiped out all Sherman);

(2) Operation Goodwood. British successfully penetrated German line of defence, but unexpectedly meet stiff German defence at Cagny. Quite interesting, but lack of order of battle.

Which one is a better topic?

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Both of the battles I mentioned before is quite interesting. Both of them will be converted into Combat Mission scenario later. In fact, a German veteran, Leutant von Rosen, joined those two battles and thus earned a Corss of Iron.

The brief description of the first battle is shown below:

11 July 1944, east of Caen. After a night of intense fighting, British force had successfully breached the German defence line adjacent to Caen. The German frontline, as well as Caen itself, was endangered. The battalion of schwere Panzer Abteilung 503 received order to restore the frontline, and soon the tigers were rushing toward the advancing Sherman....

That will be designed as a historical scenario, but I don't know the OOB of British side. Can anyone provide the information?

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The first scenario is going to be completed. That is a tank-to-tank confrontation, and it will be more or less balanced. I'll inform you if it is finished.

The second scenario is more interesting (with a funny story :D ), but the information is not sufficient. Moreover, the map is too small to represent to battle. I think I shall make a semi-historical scenario.

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This is about choice number 1 and how the shermans usually lose to the tigers:

Yeah, that's the thing you kind of have to watch out for while making scenarios: quick wins. This is what I usually try to do if such an event, like shermans vs tigers happens. Just because the Tiger is a better tank then the Sherman doesn't mean it would always win. Put many of the Shermans in the cover of trees or set up an ambush for them when designing the level. I do this a lot while designing levels to make sure it's fair for both sides. Also, I don't know if it's historically accurate for this particular scenario you're working on but maybe you could just have the shermans outnumber the tigers... That sometimes works smile.gif . I am assuming that this thread was more of a nuisance than a help, but I figured what the hey... smile.gif

[ July 06, 2002, 07:16 PM: Message edited by: Major Concussion ]

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Thanks for your advise. I almost completed my scenario and I am trying to make the game balance. During my first playtesting, all of the tigers were completely destroyed by the Sherman!! tongue.gif I am trying to make the Sherman more visible..... ^_^

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