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Minor Error in Game System?

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When you see an enemy unit and you get close enough to get info about it, you see not only the amount of men it has, but also how many are killed, wounded, or panicked. This does help to the extent that it tells you how strong the other units of that type will probably be. In real life, you would only be able to tell how many men are left in the unit, not how many it's lost. That's all; am I being too nit-picky? smile.gif

The Major

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How about a 6-man team? Are they from a full strength squad that split, or a full strength squad that took 50% casualties? How would you know?

What about German squads? Is that 7-man unit a full strength escort squad or a rifle squad that took two casualties? Again, how would you know?

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Guest Germanboy

Major Belles has a good point - while the number of man in the TO&E squad may have been known, shortages in manpower made it rather unlikely that you encountered many of them after Normandy on either side. As has been pointed out - it may also be difficult to tell whether you are facing a 9-men rifle 44 or a 13-men Sturmgruppe squad for the unsuspecting Allied observer. At the moment I use the number of casualties a squad has had as an indicator for its morale status. Rough and prone to be wrong, but better than nothing. I think it would be interesting to have an ultimate FOW setting in which e.g. the info about losses of a squad is not given. Simple example from the game - at the moment I know whether I face a team or a squad. If I face a team, I know there must be another one somewhere. With the ultimate setting, you would no longer be able to know whether it is a team, or maybe a squad that took casualties earlier (e.g. from arty out of LOS).



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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