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AI bug or my gamey tactic?

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I've noticed as I've played against the AI a lot that once vehicles button up, the AI never ever unbutton them again.

This make them more vulnerable to my AT weapons, and my sharpshooters are bargains.

When my AFVs button up, I try to unbutton them ASAP, unless there's reason to believe they will button up again at very short notice.

Which of these procedures is most historically accurate?

- If the AI is "correct" then perhaps the option to open up a vehicle should be removed once it's forced to button up as a result of incoming fire.

- If my tactic is correct, then perhaps an adjustment of the AI should be implemented.

As a rule of thumb, I do not unbutton a buttoned AVF that is:

- recieving artillery HE (not smoke).

- within 100m and LOF of an enemy infantry platoon or MG.

- within LOF of a highly suspected sniper position.

- preferred (by me) to keep moving instead of spending ammo on targets that it's unlikely to hit.

If none of these factors apply, then I unbutton the AFV.

What do you guys think?



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I'm pretty sure I've noticed AI vehicles unbuttoning after buttoning. I was playing Le Lorey as Germans and used a sniper to hit a tank coming up the road. Thinking it would be more vulnerable I snuck a PS team through the hedges behind it. The PS team missed its first shot, and the unbuttoned tnak quickly dispatched it.

Perhaps it has a certain "confidence level" that it has to hit before it will unbutton, and I'm not keeping the pressure on and the AI feels more confident.


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Guest Michael emrys

I too have noticed their tendency to remain buttoned, but it may have to do with my keeping them under fire (usually) until they are destroyed once I have ever fired on them.

Another thing is that it may be hard to program when a vehicle can actually prudently unbutton. A lot of things that are obvious to a human brain are not at all obvious to a silicon brain. Consider how intractable that whole issue of AFV targetting has been...


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