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Whistle Mods

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I had brought up the subject of whistles a while back, and after some discussion tried out some mods. They didn't seem to work out too well but I left them in my wav folder cause I was too lazy to take them out, and after a few months of using them, I think maybe they have grown on me.

Typically Over Groggy Page of Factoids with link to whistle Zip file

If anyone else wants to try them out, feel free. I'll again say that if anyone really wants to go the ultra-grog route and record a wartime whistle being used to execute some of the commands from a field manual, feel free to pass them on to me, or Manx, or someboy - cause I'd love to hear them.

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Well, I know a nice one that Mao Tse-Tung's communist army used to teach soldiers the rules of discipline and attention. It's eleven verses about always marching in step, obeying orders, never steal from the peasants, etc all to a catchy tune. Might make a good startup .wav file. Interested?

Learned it off an Arlo Guthrie record. (True music of my generation, eh Slappy?)

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