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Calculation of Operation-Map's progress

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Hi everybody,

I am working on an Operation-Map of 10 fights. However, i couldn't figure out how the new frontline after each fight is calcultated in order to set up the next fight's starting position.

The manual wasn't of any help.

Does the attacker has to get some of his troups to the defenders side of the map or is the a more accurate kind of calculating used?

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I'll try and answer your question. I assume you have the CDV version - does the manual not give much information about operations? Or I may have misunderstood your question.

It will depend on which operation type it is, but in each case the setup zones are calculated automatically from the position of the troops at the end of the previous battle.

Advance: the front lines are very flat, and all troops in the "no_mans land" (the size of which is determined by the scenario designer) are moved(so no troops get cut off etc). The game is scored by how quickly the advancing player reaches the far end of the operation map.

Assault: Almost the same as above, but troops in "no-mans land" are padlocked in place during setup. (so troops can be surrounded and cut off)

Static: the entire map is played on, and the operation is scored by holding Flags.(it is almost certain that troops will be surrounded :D )

[ October 09, 2002, 06:49 AM: Message edited by: General Tacticus ]

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