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GeForce 4 and CM question

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Hi all,

Please pardon me for posting this message outside of the tech forum! For reasons you will see below, I'm trying to reach GeForce 4 users who are not having problems with CM, and who therefore might not be checking the tech forum at all.

Here is the text of a message I posted just now in the tech forum. (Please, for Madmatt's sake, reply there and not here...)

"Recently there have been some threads reporting problems with GeForce 4 video cards, especially with CM showing only a blank screen or else freezing (requiring a reboot) at the end of a turn. Having just updated from a GeForce 2 to a Geforce 4, I'm sorry to say that I'm having the same troubles. The CM splash screen will not show when I start up (only giving me music and a black screen) until I minimize and re-maximize. When I attempt the play a turn, the graphics are fine until I hit Go/Done to end the turn--then CM freezes and I have to ctrl-alt-delete my system.

My question is, does *anyone* have CM running properly with a GeForce 4 card? If so, please tell us what drivers you are using and whether you have made any special tweaks. Thanks!"

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