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What are movies, and where to find them?

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I have seen some posts about movies, and I am assuming this means all the action phases strung together after a battle has been completed, then made available for viewing as a "movie" of all the action in one continous action phase, is this true? If so, where could I find some of these to view, and how would I do it? Thanks.

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The only way to do it is to play pbem. When PBEM'ing, you receive individual movie files after you and your opponent have plotted movement for the turns. When you are done with the game, you can delete all the order giving segments, and you are left with all the movie turns. You can't play them from start to finish, but you can open each movie individually by loading the .txt file as you would a normal PBEM turn.

I made a complete movie of a PBEM I played with Message to Goetz. It's large (17mb), but you can download it here and watch to get a better idea of what I'm talking about


Well scratch that for now, I've pissed off the bandwidth gods yet again :rolleyes:

My advice is to find an opponent and start your own PBEM. You'll get the jist of what I'm talking about after a few turns smile.gif

[ October 20, 2002, 02:03 AM: Message edited by: Captain Wacky ]

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