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T-34-85 Tanks?

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First occurance for T34/85 (model 1943) is Feb, 1944. Model 1944 shows up in May of '44.

For an earlier chance to use the 85mm gun (I know you were asking about the mods, but the gun is after all, the thing :D ) try the SU-85 and the KV-85, both available in Sept of '43.

- Old Dog

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Originally posted by Lane:

Installed TheBigCheese T-34-85 1943 and 1944 tank

Mods. Set up a QB OCT 1943 could not find a T-34-85 ? What dates would I find a T-34-85 43 and 44?

I would think 1943 and 44?

Thanks for any info

Lane ;)

What I suggest you do is make a collection of "mod test scenarios", 2 for each nationality.

By "mod test scenario", I mean set the date to June 41, buy 1 each of all the AFVs and guns, and put them on the map in some sort of organized manner. For instance, all the heavy tanks in a row, then a row of all medium tanks, a row for mortar vehicles, flamers, ATGs, whatever. Then change the date to July 41, buy 1 each of whatever becomes available, add them to the rows of stuff on the map already, and repeat until you get to May 45. Then throw in a platoon of each type of grunt. Save this scenario as "Layout_(nationalityname)_Summer.cme". Then change the weather so there's snow on the ground and resave the scenario as "Layout_(nationalityname)_Winter.cme".

So now you have a summer and winter scenario with 1 example of each type of unit that nationality has, all neatly arranged for easy viewing. You can check your summer and winter mods just by loading these scenarios in the editor. NOTE that you can't play these scenarios because there are no enemy units smile.gif . Also, you can check mods for the way the infantry uniforms change over time simply by changing the date of the scenario in the editor.

Do this for each nationality. It's a pain, I know, but the exercise is worth it because it helps you learn when a given unit becomes available. Thus, I ain't gonna send you mine (besides, I've only got the Russians done so far anyway :D )

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