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The same things that were modable in CM:BO will be modable in CM:BB. You won't be able to change unit data or create your own units, etc, as that stuff is still locked in the EXE (for good reason).

The trees blowing probably is eye candy. I think it's effective eye candy in that it helps (along with the terrain doodads) to add immersion. It's also there because wind is now modeled which will effect smoke drift.


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1. There are actually way more BMPs to mod in CMBB than CMBO. I'm not an authority here (Help, Dan!), but for example for the same vehicle, you have several textures, e.g. early war, mid-war and late-war (I think...)

But any mods are purely graphics and sounds as was the case with CMBO.

2. The trees are eye-candy, but also important to show and remind you of the wind direction and strength without having to go look up the scenario parameters.


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I was hoping the Editor would be a little more open in this release. I would really like the ablity to just modify/equip my own infantry squads. Any changing of the weapons data would be a real nightmare. :(

If you can tell wind direction from the trees maybe it's not just eye candy. ;)


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