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Has the PBEM system been changed in BB ?

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First player gives orders to his units, saves the game, sends the save to his friend, who gives orders and processes the turn?

We actually have 16 player game going on at the moment, which I'm organizing. 11 player US force (1 regiment commander, two battalion commanders, six company commanders and two tank platoons) attacks 5 player German force (one battalion commander, 3 company commanders, one tank platoon).

Naturally the pace is really slow when you cycle the savegames this way, especially now when it's summer, but hopefully players enjoy it. Both sides have a private WWW forum where commanders give orders to their subordinates, and I'm really on my toes as soon enough there will be intense fighting...


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To Ace and Juha,

What Juha said.

1. On my turn I plot, run GO and plot again.

2. Then I save and send.

3. When my partner gets the file he follows #1 and then #2.

We communicate by phone or by email reports sent along with the attached CM file.

So you see the action every other turn and your partner tells you about what happened on the turn you didn't witness. Sometimes when one sector is quite and the other active, we will change who gets to witness the VCR action.

If you don't do it this way, you end up with each partner having separate realities of the same turn.

Teamwork Toad

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