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In the Peng Challenge Are Many Mansions, And I Go to Prepare A Place For You Now

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This is, of course, the Peng Challenge Thread, defamed in song and story.

All are welcome, but none are desired.

In other words, trip fleetingly back out through the portal by which you ill-advisedly entered. Or, put shortly: Sod off.

You might imagine you have a purpose in being here. But like your life itself, there is absolutely no reason for you to be here.

If you continue to imagine that there is, then understand this about the place:

We do not like you. We don't like any of you. We don't like each other, but we've been at it so long we've become resigned to dealing with each other.

So, if you're here, it's because you've come to share with us your wit, your cleverness, by taunting someone here to a game. Try to show some imagination. Impress us with your badinage.

Seriously, if the best you can do is bathroom humour and talking about thingies, we've heard it all before in all its spectacular lack of variation. If you're going to give us more, Sod off.

Also, while we taunt, defame, and even severely tease each other, we're not here for you to flaunt or indulge in your Real World hatreds and prejudices. If you ignore this, we will assist you in Sodding Off!

Finally, to be taken seriously here, you should have an email address and a general location in your profile.

So pick out an individual, and challenge them, cleverly, to a game. If they think your challenge has any merit, they will give you a game. Otherwise, they will probably tell you to, yes, you guessed it, Sod Off!

Finally, show nothing but tender respect for the Ladies of the 'Pool, or you will have no other option but to Sod Off. Also, do not poke the Justicarwith a stick.

For the rest, there are any number of nonsensical, and even other-worldly rules, heirarchies, and traditions floating around here.

By the time you've learned them all, you'll be dead. Or you'll have Sodded Off. We're just as happy with either result.

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I want my place to have a hot tub, kickin' computer, and bitchin' stereo.

I would also like it to be SSN-free.

And last, but not least, please supply a Panzer Leader tied on top of a fire ant farm.

Could you prepare that for me? Please?

[ October 02, 2002, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Joe Shaw is making with the prep-barrage and shooting up churches. And playing slowly.

Lars is playing more quickly, but this is apparently because he isn't doing anything at all. Hel-loooo!!! I'm defending in this one.

Panzer Leader is still a complete and utter dolt. I believe we're starting a game fairly soon, too.

Goanna is looking to get a few scales shaved off? So be it! Expect a setup by month's end (shoulda challenged me last month to get a jump on the 1/month limit).

The slow-playing-turn-losing-crack-addled-git-formerly-known-as-jdmorse doesn't seem to have lost the current turn yet, and I have to give him at least another day before I accuse him of foot-dragging. Oh, what the hell: quit yer stallin' and send me a feckin' turn!

Anyone else? Take a number and go die in the corner.

Agua Perdido

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Yeah yeah.... But does our new home have hot and cold running water and central heating?

*Looks around*

OMG Seanacoochiecoo is this the best you could do? I know you didn't have much time, but a "Pink Door". :eek:

Oh well, hopefully when Persephone arrives she'll bring some nice new curtains and a few tins of paint.

In the meantime, I'll go stock the fridge and hide some booze before those Bloody Aussies get here........

Anyone for a marmite sarnie?... *Blurgh*

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Originally posted by YK2:

OMG Seanacoochiecoo is this the best you could do? I know you didn't have much time, but a "Pink Door". :eek:

It's not pink, it's 'salmon'.

Hmm (also looking around) it's not much, is it?

Still, this bits just for the SSNs and such. Emma, you could join the rest of the lot heading up to Schloss Peng.

Unless, of course, you'd prefer to pull up a log around the fire with the Olde Ones in the Wasteland.

The jug never empties, and whenever it gets chilly, Berli tosses another SSN on the fire.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You get poked with the sharp stick.

The Bricks to good for you, lad.

Couldn't we not sharpen it for Panzer Leader, just so the screaming lasts longer?? Not that I want to listen to him, mind you, I just don't think his demise deserves the type of gentleness a sharp stick implies.

{edited because I have not yet begun to imbibe in posting fluid}

[ October 02, 2002, 04:02 PM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

OMG Seanacoochiecoo is this the best you could do? I know you didn't have much time, but a "Pink Door". :eek:

It's not pink, it's 'salmon'.

Hmm (also looking around) it's not much, is it?

Still, this bits just for the SSNs and such. Emma, you could join the rest of the lot heading up to Schloss Peng.

Unless, of course, you'd prefer to pull up a log around the fire with the Olde Ones in the Wasteland.

The jug never empties, and whenever it gets chilly, Berli tosses another SSN on the fire.</font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Goanna:

<font size=-1>So will that be the rushing screaming and dying reds, or the burning screaming and fleeing krauts for you</font>

Let's see, I'm already busy kicking Papa Kahn's butt in Cemetery Hill. The next on the time-line is Directive Number 3 and I think this time I'll take the burning screaming and fleeing krauts. The setup is in your inbox, lizard-breath.
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Originally posted by dalem:

My MBT hardly had any SSNs a 'tall. And was mostly taken up by drunken chicks prancing about. Beat that, choochoo!

I'm sorry, Dalem, but I'm not in your league when it comes to 'prancing about'.

I tend to stride forward with a manly step.

Prance along as you like, though.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Anyone for a marmite sarnie?...

I looked up Marmite on the web and discovered that it's made entirely of "spent brewer's yeast".

Yet another culinary delight dreamed up by the Brits.

Shouldn't somebody stop them before they hurt themselves?</font>

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I looked up Marmite on the web and discovered that it's made entirely of "spent brewer's yeast".

Yet another culinary delight dreamed up by the Brits.

Shouldn't somebody stop them before they hurt themselves?

Not until they've finished every bite.

Do you want to eat that ****e?

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Originally posted by YK2:

I second that.

I admire your country, as you admire mine...

...I hate Marmite, and I don't even like tea and crumpets!


Not together.


That was just lovely.

Oh, and just keep straight on to get to the fire of the Olde Ones.

Never turn to the right. Unless you're going to go post on the General Forum, of course.

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It is the fuschia portal upon which mortals gape and draw back, aghast, muttering that this baudy entrance, barred to most except the few visiting quadrapeds, hint of certain pleasures. And some wonder whether the letter box is nothing but a Gnome flap carefully positioned so as not to allow the passage of Nobbits who, by the fact that they are colourblind, will hurtle headlong into the pink oblong of desire and pain. The banging, of course, is often confused with a malfunctioning doorbell.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

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Originally mewled by Seanachai:

Where's my setup, you confused, drooling, mumbling witless Illinois associate of Evil?

I taunted you days ago. I taunted you well.

I've received nothing.

It simply won't do.

For someone of your stature, everything must be just right. I am preparing an especially warm welcome for you.
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