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ok i've got the game and i did a full install, go to start the game and the cursor in the middle of the screen will get stuck and my puter freezes up, CTRL+ALT+DEL won't work i have to use the restart button. I got the game to play yesterday and played like crazy now it won't work, I tried to open from the CD and from the start menu and from the shortcut. PLEASE HELP, I've got 1.2Ghz AThlon, 256 MBram, GeForce2MX, and it runs great when it runs

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So yesterday the game played fine for quite awhile and today you can't even start it without instantly locking up ? Have you changed anything about your computer between your CM sessions (such as installing software, updating drivers, changing hardware, etc.) ?

What OS are you running ? What version of DirectX do you have loaded ? What version of the NVidia Detonators do you have installed (the video drivers) ? Do you have QuickTime installed ? At what point does CM exactly lockup; is it when the initial scenario screen is coming up or after you've selected a scenario and the 3D graphics are loading up ?

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So yesterday the game played fine for quite awhile and today you can't even start it without instantly locking up ? Have you changed anything about your computer between your CM sessions (such as installing software, updating drivers, changing hardware, etc.) ?

What OS are you running ? What version of DirectX do you have loaded ? What version of the NVidia Detonators do you have installed (the video drivers) ? Do you have QuickTime installed ? At what point does CM exactly lockup; is it when the initial scenario screen is coming up or after you've selected a scenario and the 3D graphics are loading up ?

OK, first of all i have Windows 98 i think second edition, The most recent drivers for my video card and the a version recent enough to play, Empire Earth, Ghost Recon, Operation Flashpoint, etc. I'm pretty sure i have quick time installed.

CM locks up about 2 secs after i double click on the shortcut/Start Menu/CDshorcut to CM. I never actually get into the game.

Thanks, please help

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So it is or it isn't working right now ?

If you're still having problems, then I'd suggest starting CMBO by launching from the shortcut and very quickly pressing the Shift key. This will tell CM to skip the QuickTime movie (for the Internet version - I'm not sure if this will work for the CDV-Europe release which has a different AVI movie; something that may not be 'skip-able'). If this works for you and you can now get to the main game screen, then there is probably something wrong with your QuickTime installation.

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OK, i DID get CM to work and i was playing then today i read this forum and then i went to play and i accidently pressed shift and now it won't work anymore, it locks up again right after i double click on the shortcut, i've tried pressing shift MANY times, re-installing, shutting down and i'm really confused. PLEASE HELP


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Did you purchase a retail version (which is only available in Europe) or did you purchase CMBO over the internet ? The internet version has a QuickTime movie that plays when you launch CMBO. The CDV Europe version has an AVI movie that plays upon launch. The internet version's QuickTime movie can be disabled by pressing the Shift key as mentioned earlier. I don't know if the same is true of the CDV Europe release.

I have no idea if updating Media Player helps or not with the video codec that is used with the CDV release of CMBO.

If you have the internet version then maybe you need to download and install a newer version of QuickTime from Apple.

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OK everyone i got it to work, don't know how but it works and i just whooped it up on Riesberg, Allied Major Victory, it was great, they had 17 men ok to my 200 i really feel good now, Anyways thanks for trying to help, i think it was just because i shut down my puter overnight, dunno Thanks

Morris ;);)

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  • 2 weeks later...

What did you do between the time that CM worked and when it didn't ? Have you installed any software or drivers ?

I'd suggest reducing your desktop (screen) resolution and deleting the file C:\PROGRAM FILES\CMBO\Combat Mission Bynd Ovr Prefs. This will force the resolution selection process. If this file doesn't exist, then you may have not installed CM to the hard drive or you have it installed in a different directory.

The Shift key should disable the QuickTime movie. It also re-enables the QuickTime movie if it is disabled. So if you launch CM and press the Shift key one time and then do the same thing the next time you launch CM you're re-enabling the QuickTime movie (which you may have a problem running for some reason).

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I'm having the same problem now. I've had CM for a long time (since it came out) but recently had a HD crash so had it reformatted as a secondary HD and bought a new HD for the master.

Subsequently my CD drive is now drive "E" (use to be drive "D"). I see there is a minor scratch on the CD but have used it fine on a laptop recently..

Is there a problem having the CD drive as "E"? (I doubt that's it). Nothing aside from the HD and adding more RAM has changed before. I click on the CM icon, the cursor 'jumps' to the middle of the screen, then... nothing. It locks up and after a few seconds windows (98) insicates CM is not responding.

Bah. Any additional help much appreciated as I have a PBEM game to play! smile.gif


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I'd guess that your OS and driver installation isn't up to snuff since that is the primary difference between when CMBO was working and now where it isn't.

What version of DirectX do you have installed. Windows 98 1st Edition has DirectX 5.0 and 2nd Edition has 6.1 (which is the minimum needed for CMBO). The video card drivers you load up will also be dependent on a particular version of DirectX. Some of the latest drivers will require DirectX 8.0/8.1.

You can get DirectX 8.1 from here.

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