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Looking for a modding "template" for Tiger and King Tiger

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I would like to try my hand at some really basic camo modding to get myself started (I'm learning a little Photoshop here and there).

The first problem I ran into was starting with a clean BMP with no details, shadows, or coloring to practice different techniques on. I tried to create one myself out of the original CM BMP's, but that was an undeniable disaster and I quickly realized that I needed another approach.

I was recently on PawBroon's terrific "MODs & MODers" site and saw pics of Makjager's Tiger in progress. Those pics show him using a base template of some kind in Panzer Dunkelgelb (I think) with details outlined in simple lines, which I thought would be perfect to practice with.

You can see what I mean on PawBroon's site under the "Incoming" section:


If anyone has a similar template for the Tiger and King Tiger (especially if Makjager is reading this!), and you don't mind me using it, please email me a copy. If somehow I come up with something that I wouldn't be too embarrassed to release to the community, I will of course give you complete credit for the base.

Thanks a bunch,


[ February 24, 2002, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: GreenGriffon ]

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I'm glad you're thinking so high of my website.

What Makjager is doing is quite simple.

And it's typical of the way he does his MODs.

First he is doing a HiRes base colour of the MOD with the edges drawn.

The effect is like this:


And then, following his own blueprint, he is using the Dodge and Burn Tools to highlight the edges and get that 3D effect.

Just like this:


After that, it's just like with the last article published in How To.

You add layers either on Multiply, Screen or Luminosity depending on the effect you want to achieve and you start to paint.

Try for yourself and remember most MODers will help if you ask them.

You hadn't asked me and I'm being obnoxiously helpful.



BTW, this Tiger will rock.

Let's start a 200 posts thread to put some pressure and the fear of God on Paul!

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Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

I thought about doing a little modding (aside from sounds) but then I took a look at wheels & tracks and got scared...very scared. I ain't gone back since

Captain Wacky SCARED!!!!!!

Go for it, I look forward to seeing the end result.

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George R. Bradford has done most of the basic linework for you if you are willing to pay him for the use of his line drawings which are of very good quality and accurate. He makes them available in 1:35 and 1:48 scales. He does add a bit of shading to the lower surfaces. His charge is really pretty nominal given his quality. His fine work can be found here: http://www.activevr.com/afv/ The site has had over 2 million hits since 1995.

[ February 24, 2002, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: kmead ]

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Originally posted by YK2:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Captain Wacky:

I thought about doing a little modding (aside from sounds) but then I took a look at wheels & tracks and got scared...very scared. I ain't gone back since

Captain Wacky SCARED!!!!!!

Go for it, I look forward to seeing the end result.</font>

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Hey guys,

Kmead: Thank you for that link...I may just order a few of those. The rest of the site has some terrific content as well.

PawBroon: Thank you very much for your explanation and great example pics. I guess what I need is just a starting point, then from there I can move into the techniques you are describing. I started collecting reference pics for the Tiger, and found quite a few, but I need to find better QUALITY ones to work with. We'll see how it goes.

Thanks again,


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