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Combat rules

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I have lately been playing PBEM games and every so often I get an opponent that mentions a Rule of engagement (Uber-tanks, short-75....)

Can someone tell me where I can find ALL or most of these rules so I dont have to ask every time?

Thank you! See you Sunday when we will all break down the Internet trying to download the long awaited demo.

If anyone wants a double blind PBEM with the demo just tell me! :D

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Firefly's link is to Rugged Defence, a ladder that I had played on for about a year. That is the set of rules that I had always played by, and to tell you the truth, nearly all my RD games were by the Short75 rules. I find CM much more entertaining when its a nice fair battle were not one tank will own all 5 of your shermans! (yes that was reality, but this is just a game!) I would recommend playing eith Short75 or Panther76 rules in every game.


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