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TCP/IP Captured crew idea and question

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Fellow TCPers-

I am sure that everyone who enjoys a good TCP/IP game has encountered the crew/capture bug. Whatever you want to call it the result is always the same, “S#it I just captured a crew.” “Oh, hell no. Well let’s throw some chicken bones in the air and hope for the best.”

It has reared its ugly head in numerous battles and operations. There is nothing worse than having this bug show up 10-15 turns into a new scenario. Sometimes by reverting to this save or that save and PBEMing everything can be recovered. Other times the game can only be continued via Email. Considering how much longer it takes to play via Email this is not always an option. After spending countless hours making a new scenario only to have it crash during the first go round with an archrival is no fun at all.

My question is this: Since this bug has been know for over a year, why has it not been fixed? Yes, I realize everyone is hard at work on CMBB but to allow a catastrophic bug to remain in CMBO seems odd.

I did not write the code for CMBO but perhaps the following could be done with a modest investment in time. Since it may be a while before CMBB is released, it would be great if BTS could find the time to fix this bug.

Ideas for a quick fix:

1. Screw realism what about simply auto-killing any unit the game tags as captured.

2. Auto-kill all crews when a vehicle/gun/whatever is destroyed. Many people whine about crew spotting anyway smile.gif

3. Bypass the capture code for TCP or make a patch that bypasses it entirely. Then you could simply install CMBO on your computer twice and only use the bypass for TCP games.

For the time being I use the fanaticism setting at 50% when I make large scenarios that I play with friends on the LAN. If they fight to the death they are less likely to be captured. This is not a perfect fix and it changes the dynamic of the game a bit but I think it helps.

Bottomline: Even with the bug CMBO is awesome. It is simply the best game of its type.

Your comments please.


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I think this workaround works reliably. Forgot who posted it, sorry.

Taking the CLIENT save and using it for a pbem turn and then returning

to tcp worked first time. I have run a few saves since then and each

time the problem was cured.

The critical thing here is that both players hit 'go' after all orders

have been given by both sides.

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The crew capture bug is a pain, and we should not have to go through the PBEM work-around. It happened to me in the past 3 TCP/IP games, and in one of those the PBEM work-around did not work either. The crew actually had mulitplied!

CMBB, IIRC, has the problem fixed. Until CMBO has been fixed it is the only playability problem with the game.

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my friend and I over the weekend played a long 2:30 hour game and we left.. Watched starwars.. came back and continued.. we hit go and it was downloading to my comp and just sat at 100%. His started playing the ingame action while mine just stood there. Is that the result of that bug?

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Just for clarity's sake . . . Why don't one of you learned fellows describe just exactly who/what/where/when and why this bug happens.

"Throwing chicken bones in the air" doesn't make for a good description. smile.gif

I personally can't tell what the hell you're talking about except that it involves "captured" and "Crew."

Help out my feeble mind, will yah?



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This has been discussed ad-nauseum on the Technical Forum. It's not going to be repaired before CMBB, if at all. Doing one turn e-mail after suffering the tcp/ip crash works often but not always. I make it a habit in tcp/ip to always hit ALT-S before hitting GO. If we get a crash, we play one email turn using that file and the problem frequently is resolved.

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