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Demo too easy?

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When was the AI ever really hard??? It has never been a mystery to anyone that the AI will not be a real challenge to a veteran CM player. If you are new to the CM world and gameplay style, the AI can be VERY challenging at times. But, for those of us who have been around for over a year, the AI is predictable and easily stopped. BUT, I do have to say, that the AI seemed to work better this time around. Just give the AI a 100% troop bonus and then we will see how easy the AI is.


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Playing Citadelle as the Soviets can produce quite a few tense momens-and even some defeats!

It's quite amazing to consider, as..it was pretty much impossible to get an zero advantage game that was any challenge at all from the AI in CMBO so...Progress was definately made!

It seems like all these scenarios were made thinking that everyone would be playing the soviet side (heh, the new guys!) more..I've had better vs.AI games playing them than the jerries.

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