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Description of Units for a newbie

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I am new to CMBO, I am playing a few PBEM games and am having a ball, but I do not know what is what. For example I have a squad called the “Motorized Sqd” I can see there stats and so forth, but what does the Motorized mean, they are on foot, are they supposed to be in a vehicle? A quick segway, can units fire from a vehicle that they are being transported in?

So my question, is there a web site that has a breakdown of all units and their meanings that I can use as a resource?

Thanks in Advance.


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Motorized just means that the infantry battalion the squad is from normally rides around in trucks, as opposed to "armored" which means normally rides around in halftracks. Because halftracks are smaller, the squads of the motorized type are slightly larger. These are two different types of German panzergrenadiers, meaning the infantry component of panzer divisions. Which generally had one battalion of the armored variety, the rest being just motorized. It does not mean they brought a truck to every tactical battlefield.

No, units do not fire from vehicles they are riding on. They must first dismount. The vehicle's MGs and gun (if any) can fire normally with passengers aboard.

I hope these answers help.

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To answer your second question, if there's a readily available description of all units:


That shouldn't be much of a problem though, since you will most likely want to know a lot more about everything related to this. :D

Reading books and checking out a plethora of websites will get you quite some distance in that direction. (But nobody will ever get to know it all...)



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Usually this link to Chris Hare's CM Charts DOES work...just not at the moment it would seem.

So instead, check your e-mail...I've got some info for ya.

By the way, welcome to CM and this Forum. People here are quite knowledgeable and friendly. Prepare to give up all other hobbies once CM gets a hold of you!

[ July 17, 2002, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: Silvio Manuel ]

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If you could be more specific, people will probably be happy to help.

From yur original question, we can't even tell whether you mainly want to know about the infantry formations, or whether you want German designations decrypted or whether you need a general explanation of the different arms in modern military.

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