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Bitter Pill- At the Depot

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Medium size, inspired by WBW's Real Guts, battle-hardened Highlanders assualt a fortified town in the Reichswald Forest.

A bloody chess match...

NOW AT THE Scenario Depot smile.gif

Title- Bitter Pill

Type- British Assualt

Date- February 11th, 1945

Location- Northwest German Border

Weather- Clear

Terrain- Damp

Turns- 36


The objective of operation Veritable was a breakthrough of the formidable defensive line along the German/Belgian border.

Flooded lowlands, The Siegfried Line and the dense Reichswald Forest barred the way.

Maneuver would not be an option for the Canadian 1st Army charged with the grim task.

On February 8th the British 51st and 53rd Divisions entered the Reichswald forest, painfully working their way through

the fortifications and entrenched defenders of Hitler's West Wall.

Facing the British were remnants of destroyed infantry divisions and local men aged from 16 to 60, with seasoned troops held in reserve, ready to be brought into the line.

[ May 30, 2002, 10:03 PM: Message edited by: Flammenwerfer ]

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