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Company ATen Hut!

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Ok so I have a company of guys. Each platoon has a platoon leader and my company has one company HQ. Now this company HQ can be placed wherever on the board I want, even in a latrine. Speaking of latrines, What's up with that old song,

Skip, Skip, Skip to my Loo

Skip, Skip, Skip to my Loo

Skip, Skip, Skip to my Loo my darling...

What's up with that anyways? Some English person on their way to the bathroom? And why would you take you darling there with you?

Ok anyways back to the Company HQ, He never has a command line between him and anyone else. At least as far as I can see. So what good is he? Is he only good next to certain units? Is he only good for cleaning toilets?


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I found hes good for following your main force and any units that break will go back to him so he can restore morale then after awhile u will have another platoon of beat up guys for fire support. Or if u wanted to use him to split up a platoon ie leave platton hq and one squad to defend flag while using company hq and 2 squads (from that platton) to go support another secter.Company hqs can be used to command all ur mortars and spot for them or for Foward Observers or support guns behind the lines. Hope that helps

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Basically, a company or batallion HQ can be used to command all units, while a platoon HQ can only command squads from his platoon and support troops.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense

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The command hierarchy come into play here. An HQ will have a command line to any unit it can command that is not under the command of a lower level HQ. So if all your units are in command of a platoon HQ you won't see any command lines to the Company HQ.


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*** quote ***

The only "problem" I have ist that the company HQ is able to command troops from another company than his own...

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I always take this to mean that enlisted men with follow a Captain even if he's not *their* Captain. "You men follow me!"

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Oh, and you will also find that the company HQ take command of any infantry unit that's close to it but further from their organic platoon HQ.

*** unquote ***

Just a (probably unnecessary) clarification here: a company HQ can command infantry squads that are OUT OF RANGE of their own organic platoon HQ. However, any MG team, mortar, spotter, or other independent team will take command from whatever HQ (of any level) is closest.

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