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I love the StuG IIIF/8 ! !

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Not much else to say other than it comes as a life saver in 42/43 battles!! That 75mm L/48 kicks some major T34 butt and the armor is great against the Russian 76mm guns. Best part is the low profile that brings a whole new definition to hull down.

Have been playing a few TCP games and as the germans you get about one tank for every 3 russian tanks. One of those IIIF/8's is enough! You just run out of AP ammo too fast . . .


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I had a regular crew. But let me tell you about those long range optics, they work at long range. The StuG had 3 T34's down range from it at about 500m's. I moved it up into a hull down position and he began to fire. He definatly hit more than 60% of the time, and the T34's only hit him once. Knocked out two and the other ran off and never returned. Great buy!


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Chad you are right on with the Stug IIIF/8. I played early wittmans scenario, its a heavily wooded map. Was taking some heavy losses to the t-34's when i just massed 2 of the stugs,side by side, behind a row of trees/bushes. Six t-34's coming down the main road were destroyed with just 2 Stugs, one unit was a crack the other an elite.

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Just finished a QB against the AI defendiung as Germans. Bought the stuff for both sides and included 3 Stug F8 for the AI. My Russians had 3 T-34 M43, 2 KV-I and 5 T-60 (20mm gun).

In turn 4 or 5 a lone Stug ambushed a pack of two T-34's and one KV-I at arouind 600m. IT was hulldown as were one T-34 and the KV. Result: all my tanks dead. :eek: Before they did hit the Stug twice but no penetrations... And it was so qucik I couldn't even mve my tanks out of LOS anymore...

Later the Stugs grouped up and muched away the remaining of my attacking force somewhere in the center. My attack came to an absolute standstill.

Had to move to the far left flank to advance again and got close to one VL. AI sends up one Stug to reinforce his troops there. I got last KV I and last T-34 in good position, the Stug should get into their sights from the side. Sure enough it did, sideshots for my boys, but noooo..the Stug was hulldown..range 300 or 400m. I target it and the give my tanks a reverse order after 30 seconds with a delay for the KV-1 with radio and a very long delay for the T-34 (command tank died in first encounter).

My tow tanks open up and miss..Stug slowly starts to turn. Second salvo of my tanks, missed again...Stug still turning...about 3rd salvo there is a hit...front armor by now side anlge on top of it, ricochet of course. Then Stug returns fire, T-34 is burning...KV-I manages to revers and reached a safe place...

Real mean and tough those little Stugs!

Luckily the AI advanced two of them in a sensless banzai charge right in the middle of my infantry hidden in the woods or in houses. Human wave attack with tanks :rolleyes: My infantry said thank you and knocked the Stugs out - not with molotvs but with regular handgrenades (both done by HQ units).

I managed to contest the second VL in the Center afterwards and would have taken it, but the game ended just then (well, turn 48 of a 40 turn battle). It was a draw - and I played as serious as if I were playing a human opponent. What a game!

Actually I first wanted to buy Tiger I for the AI instead of Stugs, but the Tiger I was a bit expensive that day 400 or more points - or was it around6 600? not sure anymore, just too expensive. And maybe it was better this way, had enough trouble with the Stugs :D



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Originally posted by CC_Brad:

Sorry about that Sergei, the scenario i played is a modded one.. cant remember where i got it but its not a stock one.

I didn't mean to sound like bitching or anything, it's okay. I will anyway have forgotten what you said by the time CDV brings it to Finland. Just in principle, because many newbies cannot be expected to be aware.
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Yea, the Stug IIIF/8 is quite a life saver! I felt masochistic today, had a Defensive QB in December '43 w/ the Germans. I didn't do very well on the 'random' elements for the QB, because in a 2000pt battle, I was given a penalty and only had a limit of 1250pts to spend against a Russian force of at LEAST 2x my strength. Not to mention all of my units were Green, and Unfit (theirs were Regular & Fit .. its no fair! hehe) Snow, frozen ground, windy, huge map.

It ended in a DRAW (amazingly too, I was also downhill in most spots from their starting position! But I have to give most of the credit to those low profile StugIIIs ... they took out almost all of the T-34s and T-70s.

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