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Everything posted by undertow

  1. Yea, the Stug IIIF/8 is quite a life saver! I felt masochistic today, had a Defensive QB in December '43 w/ the Germans. I didn't do very well on the 'random' elements for the QB, because in a 2000pt battle, I was given a penalty and only had a limit of 1250pts to spend against a Russian force of at LEAST 2x my strength. Not to mention all of my units were Green, and Unfit (theirs were Regular & Fit .. its no fair! hehe) Snow, frozen ground, windy, huge map. It ended in a DRAW (amazingly too, I was also downhill in most spots from their starting position! But I have to give most of the credit to those low profile StugIIIs ... they took out almost all of the T-34s and T-70s.
  2. Exactly the tactic I just used on an Attack Quick Battle, though I was using a German Mechanized force. At a pinnacle ridge during the 40 turn scenario, I tried different tactics w/ my tanks against dug-in defending armour. The most successful was forming a 'line' formation at different points on the crest of the ridge at a distance of 800meters to 3 towed AT-guns and 3 t-34s vs. my 7 Panzer IVGs. I used the 'Contact' move command just at the point of LOS (buttoned down as well) for each individual PzIVG. The Soviets had too many targets to shoot at, and the ones that were catching fire from the red's all moved in reverse half-way through the turn thanks to the 'Contact' command. Their change in movement messed up the T-34s aim and allowed the PzIVGs that weren't being fired upon to get clear shots. I had 1 of mine explode catastrophically while all of their defensive AT forces were knocked out in under 2 minutes. I must say (because I haven't yet!), this game is amazing .. and I gotta thank 'Matt' from BFC/BTS for overnighting a replacement copy for my broken cd. I first realized how much I was going to love this game when my 7 panzers were firing at once.
  3. mine is also 90,000+ and I didn't receive my copy. I am in Oregon though, hopefully tomorrow will be the big day!
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