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Blackshear.cmb: any hints?

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This is one TOUGH nut to crack as US. I'm a newbie so I enjoy the challenge and opportunity to learn, but I've replayed this thing two times and STILL keep getting waxed. Anyone ever beat this thing v. a/i? If anyone ever beat this thing v. a/i playing blind, you walk amongst the gods.

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Agua:

This is one TOUGH nut to crack as US. I'm a newbie so I enjoy the challenge and opportunity to learn, but I've replayed this thing two times and STILL keep getting waxed. Anyone ever beat this thing v. a/i? If anyone ever beat this thing v. a/i playing blind, you walk amongst the gods.

Health warning - don't even try this as multi-player... I started it as US TCP/IP and surrendered in turn 7 or so...

It is very difficult, and I would have to revisit it against the AI, but I believe the watchword is a careful advance, taking your time.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Thanks Andreas

I'm going to try it again this evening when I get home from work.






















I'm thinking that in addition to sending a couple of platoons along the hills on the west side, I'm going to advance those 4 75mm AT into the valley under cover of smoke. Not a very imaginative advance, but the shermans get eaten up even after taking the infantry take out the 88mm and I can't figure how else to get those assets involved in the fray. If they can't take out the Tiger (I assume its a real Tiger; I didn't hang around long enough to make certain after losing three tanks to the mystery AFV on the hill...LOL), maybe they can draw attention away long enough for a dash to the village in the next valley. At this point though, the element of realism is wholly lost and I'm sort of just playing through a puzzle.

Good luck in all your battles!!!

[This message has been edited by Agua (edited 03-20-2001).]

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Yup, that worked. Now, what to learn from this scenario? If enough time is present and there are wooded hills surrounding an exposed LOA, send infantry to clear hills? Hard to devote the resources for that sort of operation with nothing to go on other than terrain analysis.

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Originally posted by Terence:

Thanks. But the real mystery is why you needed to edit a post that consisted of 3 words and a URL? smile.gif

I first tried to give you the link to the zip file itself, but when I checked it showed up as a geocities web page instead. Hopefully my second attempt got you where you needed to be smile.gif

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Kingfish:

I first tried to give you the link to the zip file itself, but when I checked it showed up as a geocities web page instead. Hopefully my second attempt got you where you needed to be smile.gif

Sorry for not putting the link in earlier.

We would obviously prefer if links put in are to the site, not just directly to the file. That way people get to look at the other good stuff we have *cough cough* biggrin.gif



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Yea -- just played this last night.


It was murderous. The combined effects of ATG and tanks prevented me from advancing my tanks until turn 20 or so. By then I had gotten my infantry in position to attack the town but the enemy tanks were overlooking it. I tried moving my ATGs into position but they were just too darn slow (I need to figure out how to used towed ATGs on the attack). Finally I was running out of time so I charged my tanks and infantry. Lost all my tanks but took out all but one of the Germans. My infantry got obliterated though.



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