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CMMOS question / idea

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If I understood it correct, then I have to copy all mod files into my CM BMP folder, yes? To be true, I really don't like that, cause I have to waste a lot of my diskspace with 'dead files'. I guess it will not get better wen CM:BB is available.

Wouldn't it be a good idea when the files can be saved in a different directory (so I can even burn them on a CD)?

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That's certainly not out of the question, but there are a couple of issues that need to be considered. First, it would increase the length of time it takes to select an option due to the slower data transfer rate of the CD drive. Second it would involve having to remember to do the CD-shuffle to make sure you've got the mods CD in the drive and not the CM:BO (or eventually the CM:BB) CD in the drive.

As I said, not out of the question, but not necessarily without downsides either.


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Apart from another nod of acknowledgement for all the fine work that Gordon had done by bringing CMMOS to us, and continually improving its already rich features I must add:

The cost of disk space is certainly not the issue it used to be. I've put 20Gb aside for my gaming needs, and the CMMOS mods are merely a drop in the bucket. Personally, I'd prefer further CMMOS efforts to focus upon loftier matters. Don't get me wrong though, I've also been a starving student, computerless, and unemployed in my time, so I'm not altogether unsympathetic towards drive space concerns <g>.


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I am to believe that at some point you to planned to have CMMOS install bmps directly from the zip file without you having to unzip first? Bmps seem to squash up pretty well and an 80-90% compress rate seems to be achieved in most cases.

As mentioned above, diskspace shouldn't really be a problem these days, but this feature would simplify the install process greatly.

Cheers Gordon.

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Originally posted by Gordon:

That's certainly not out of the question, but there are a couple of issues that need to be considered. First, it would increase the length of time it takes to select an option due to the slower data transfer rate of the CD drive. Second it would involve having to remember to do the CD-shuffle to make sure you've got the mods CD in the drive and not the CM:BO (or eventually the CM:BB) CD in the drive.

As I said, not out of the question, but not necessarily without downsides either.


...well, and for some reasons I also don't like to have all the mods in my CM folder. Example: I'm not so familiar with CMMOS - does it allow to remove a modpack from the drive? If not, then I would for prefer to test it first. This can be done when I have it in an extra directory, but difficult when it is somewhere in my BMP folder, together with some hundred or thousand other files. Direct extraction from the zip would be a good idea, too, to keep the disc 'clean'.
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The big problem with having CMMOS apply options directly from within the ZIP archives is one of performance since the Option "Guards Armoured (Camouflaged)" is not restricted to a single ZIP archive, but is spread across many different archives (of which CMMOS currently has no concept of). The only information CMMOS has to work from are BMP numbers.


I certainly see your point, and that's why I use "CM Mod Manager" to actually install all of my mods. That way it's easy for me to wipe out my BMP folder (to remove all the cruft that tends to accumulate doing mod development) and get back to a consistent, known state. "CM Mod Manager" is an excellent mod installation tool, while I think "CM Mod Option Selector" is an excellent mod option selection tool. ;)

I will have to implement some level of indirection between the various folders used by CMMOS (FileLists, RuleSets, BMPs, WAVs) in order to allow CMMOS to handle both CM:BO and CM:BB, so I will look into providing something like what you are asking for at that point.


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Originally posted by Gordon:

... options directly from within the ZIP archives is one of performance since the Option "Guards Armoured (Camouflaged)" is not restricted to a single ZIP archive, ...

So why not have a single compressed CMMOS archive? (It can use any suitable compression method, not necessarily ZIP. Perhaps it's difficult to make a program search the content of an archive?)

New mods could easily be added to the archive after downloading.



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